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right to tuwbvell 's value of price as it is commen for our copacerners

(Querist) 22 July 2008 This query is : Resolved 
sir ,
i have one tubvell for the purpose of irrgation to their land .But for a one year my three brothers prohibit me to get my right to get to use the tubvell.
we are three sharers in this tubvell.
so pls tell me to get my share as become according to the value of the which is set to be on the basis of self-compromise

I want to get my share because they were qurrelled to me regulerly on the basis of to get my water share.

So now i leave to use this tubvell & my lend is has no water

If i go to police station or deputy commissner for this problem they deny to help me .

And one time they filed a charge under cr.p.c sec.107&151.

So pls ,pls pls,pls sir kindly tell me what i could do their against to get my value of price of tubwell as a metter of right .

Because tubvell was named registerd my grand-father..The conection of tubvell is not their named .

so pls guidence me on such right to get my money on the basis as it is settled by a arbitrator or any other basis of compromise.....

Guest (Expert) 22 July 2008
You can go for an injunction suit(just as in the case of right of way)seeking restraint on the bjections raised by your brother. You can even demand partition.
Srinivas.B.S.S.T (Expert) 23 July 2008
law of easement. Sir you can seek your remedy by filing a simple injunction suit or if you can prove that the tubewell is in the name of your grandfather you can seek partition of the right to use the tubewell.

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