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can a non indian holds dual citisenship?

(Querist) 28 July 2009 This query is : Resolved 
hello dear gurus, my qustion is can non indian holds a dual citisenship in india?
as my wife is non indian if i go with all proper means to get her indian nationality, and when she gets that, will she have to renounce her current nationality? or it will be ok with her to keep both nationalitys?
thnaks alot
A V Vishal (Expert) 28 July 2009
If the country of which she holds a valid passport has a policy of granting dual citizenship then she can.
Manish Singh (Expert) 03 August 2009
if she agres to take the Indian citizenship the she will be bound to renounce the other country's citizenship. India has no policy of dual citzenship.
but if hre current country allows dual citizenship then she may become citizen of any other counry where dual citizenship is allowed.

but this is not a case with India. if she accepts indian citizenship, she must renounce the other citizepship.

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