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Anonymous   06 October 2019 at 00:05

My neighbor not allowing construction on my land

Hello Legal Expert I Satish Kumar, I want to build a house in the village. My Neighbor not allowing this. He asks me for 4 feet road but he has 1 ft land only. They have constructed the house without measurement. Today I take the service of the surveyor. He also confirmed they don't have the land my side after his whole days Surveying. My brother apposes before when they want a door to our side. Now my neighbor threatens that I will not allow building the house or you should allow the passage for 3 ft. Even they have own main passage but they want another side also.
Please suggest me what to do. I will very thankful to you.
He threatens I will not allow because you have also not allowed me to open the door.
I requested you kindly suggest me the best option.

Prashant   05 October 2019 at 23:38

Legal rights for parking charges in society


Our society is registered society & I am one of the flat owner in society.
Society committee members have decided parking charges of Rs. 300 per month for each car (of flat owner & tennant) which is parked in open space of society (not in allocated/ reserved parking).

However there are couple of points which are not clear, which I would like to know from legal expert.

1) Builder has not made conveyance deed till date & as a result of which land is also not yet transfer to society, so does society /committee members have any right to demand for parking charges from flat owner or tennant ?
2) Second point is society demands parking charges tobe paid in advance (atleast for 6 months) within 2 months from financial year, if failed to pay within time period impose interest rate of 21% .
Is this at all legal ? Does society has any right to do so ?
3) Even though society is charging parking charges but does not provide any provision of marking to park car neither society has provided any space for visitors parking which results difficulty in parking vehicle due to outsider's vehicles. What law states in this regards ?

Vivek patil   05 October 2019 at 22:35

Pagdi tenant in mumbai

How to prevent my 30years old pagdi tenant to sublet the shop located in mumbai suburb,in case he gives how to get evidence that he has kept subtenant.
If asked he will say he is employee.

sriram   05 October 2019 at 16:46

Registered agricultural land with created will

I am having ancestral property i.e, my great grand - father's property of A.1.Cents16 with the registered document in the year1932.My Great-Grand Father died in the Year 1934. Because of my grand-father being minor at that time, the property which was not mutated into his name. The property was undivided from the last 3 -Generations. I was born in the year 1996. In the Year of 2008, my long paternal relatives having with the same initial of us registered the land with an unregistered Will to others as the property belongs to their father. We are not residing at the property situated village. With the created will along with the registered documents, the other parties entered into the land registered with revenue records into their names. Now,I have been submitted a Mutation of land application to the Tahasildar. But, the Tahasildar is refusing to mutate my land into my name because of registered deeds submitted by the other parties.

In the above Circumstances, please, kindly advise proceeding against the Cheaters of the land.

Vaddi kasulu   05 October 2019 at 14:29

Help me out

Hi All

I am from hyderabad and a victim of false 498a by my first wife which has ended up with mutual divorce with a settlement of 498a. I case went from 2014 to 2017 for closure.

Keeping all the previous case aside I took a step and married a divorcee who has a baby girl of 6 years. Its been 4 months of married life and now even she has filed a 498a which is completely false. I have not taken any dowry nor gold nor household articles. As my only intention was we both went through a worst situation in life and lets make the remaining life meaningful and plan accordingly for the child up bringing. One thing is very clear with my wife is that she is very much influenced by her mom. Now she has filed a 498a case station that they have give 5 lakh dowry, Gold & household articles. & also 420 cheating case stating that the first divorce did not happen.

My queries are as below:
What kind of proofs or documents does court require that the dowry is given?
How can I fight back for the wrong allegations?
What is the procedure to teach them a lesson as they have ruined my life completely?
She is a working woman, So can she file for maintenance?


Narender Kumar   05 October 2019 at 11:40

Suspension Period

Dear Team. How much time a nationalised bank employee can be suspended. If he/she not received any information except a show cause within 6 months than what should be do. Kindly guide as per.

Abhay   05 October 2019 at 11:28

Building accounts & sinking funds in housing society

Our is Co-op hsg society. There are 4 (ABCD) buildings. While ABC was completed in 2011, D was completed in 2013. Society is functioning since 2011. There are common amenities like swimming pool, Gym, basketball court functional since 2011. Issues
1. Society asked for more money from D building for sinking fund. Their theory was to equalize sinking fund collected by ABC so far. Management Committee (MC) promised to keep all D building accounts separate. This was also minute in AGM. Now, MC, while taking advantage of majority of ABC changed stand and declared that accounts will be merged.
2. There seems ulterior motive of utilizing sinking funds and other surpluses for major repair work erupted in ABC.
3. MC charged more monthly maintenance to D building owners for more than year before issue was raised in AGM and then they brought it at par.
4. With majority of ABC members in AGM, D does not get heard. There is tendency of MC to over rule and work in interest of ABC.
1. Can society charge different maintenance for different buildings?
2. Is it illegal to have separate account for D? D owners have clearly stated that common amenities will be paid for by D in proportion to members.
3. As ABC and D are located on different plot separated by corporation road. Could D owners request for separate sub-society with access rights to common amenities? (Note: D building is separate plot, all meters, entry, exit, water connection etc. is separate)
4. Can Sinking funds for D be maintained separately?

Society is located in Pune, Maharashtra.

NAGARAJ   04 October 2019 at 20:53

Amendment of written statement

Im for plaintiff in partition suit ..2nd defendant filed original written statement in the year of 2010 D2 died on 2018 now his LRs for drag d matter two months back filed amendment application u/o 6 r 17 cpc for amending the written statement and after two months 2nd time again filed amendment application for amending the written statement seeking to add certain self aquired properties of plaintiff and concocted theory I.e plaintiff name impersonation dispute ....the suit filed in the year of 2007
.any sujjessions or Any citations to reject the written statement amendment application ..?

Thanking you sir

Anonymous   04 October 2019 at 17:03

Pre-divorce issue


I and my wife seems to be headed for a separation and its seems to be matter of time now. I had a couple of queries:

1. I m in a situation right now that even for smallest of the fights & arguments, my wife threatens me and my parents that she'll falsely complaint against us for a physical violence, which offcourse absolutely doesn't take place at all. However, we would like to avoid any kind of possibility of that given her nature and the way things are headed. Hence, we (I & my parents) are contemplating moving out of our Rented home to a different place. Is there advisable or a risk/issue in this? Also, given her behavior, its very possible that she falsely files a complaint even after we moving out (sooner or after many mths) against us for any physical violence or any other thing?

2. My elderly parents would like to stay with me. But are not able to do so because of my wife's behavior and threats. Is there any way to counter her threat by filing a pre-emptive counter complaint to make us feel secure against her any steps/complaints/threats?

3. What happens in case of alimony? Is it always 50% of my present assets and/or future income that i have to part with? I m in a 5 yr marriage and my salary has increased more than double during this time? What if I transfer all my bank savings and assets in the name of my mother, would she be able to claim on that as well? If my mother buys a home from this tranferred amt, in a joint name with me (as this would be required in a home loan), would my wife be able to have a claim on the home since its in my joint name. How can i reduce my ownership in the home to a minimal, which ensures least claim from my wife & also ensures my ownership, which is required by the bank for issuing the loan.

Kindly guide

Anonymous   04 October 2019 at 15:35

False general diary/498

Can police file backdated GD ? If yes,how do we identify it ? I am concerned that my wife, resident of Bihar , might use bribe to file a backdated GD for a 498 complaint. Can it be done ?