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G. ARAVINTHAN's Expert Profile

Queries Replied : 2210

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    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    Civil, Criminal, Family law, Constitutional ... Appellate Side matters in High Court Trial Court & Appellate works in Civil side

    My area of expertise
    All matters in High Court - Madras & Madurai

    My experience in the area (years):
    Since June 2006

    Organizations I belong to:

    Publications or writing which has appeared :

    Educational credentials:
    B.Sc., B.L., P.G.Diploma in Criminology and Forensic Science

    Award & Honors:
    Member of right from the day when it was

  • Naz says : Urgent
    HI, I am working for a aviation company.I have signed a bond with the company, and as per that i cannot leave the organisation for period of 4 years or i have to pay sum of Rs.4 lacs. I signed this at the time of going Singapore as they sent me there. The training was for 6 months but they called me back after 2.5 months. And in singapore they paid us daily allowances but they did'not gave any special training to us, they just used us as men power. Now the five months have passed by & now i have found a new job which is providing good package, i want to join that company. now if i join that co. i have to pay my current organisation Rs.4 lacs which i dont have. Can I break this agreement? Please reply me soon. And please let me know if u want any other info. Thanks in advance.... Reply soon...

  • S P Goel says : D V Act case
    Dear sir, This is S P Goel, from Delhi 9810101999, my wife lodged a petition in Karkardooma court under Domestic Violence Act, and demanding Rs 45 lacs and Rs 15000 per month, my monthly income is Rs 8000 from Interest, I am unemployed, house is in my name, judge advised me not to sell in first hearing. My elder son lives separate in Delhi , in ICICI bank Rs 18 lacs pa , earlier he was helping, she left house on 20.10.2010 younger son is a student. Please advise sir thanks s p goel, Delhi 9810101999

  • RAHUL says : family issue
    dear sir, i married a banjara community girl on 1.10.2010 .it was a love marriage through arya samaj.i have the marriage certificate and the cd of marriage and the letter she wrote to me before marriage stating that she wishes to marry me and wants to come to my house.she left her house and came to my residence. her father came to my residence searching her and tried to break the grills of my we both were not at home hae failed to take her back.but the same day we married at arya samaj mandir.due to insufficient documents we could not register our marriage in court.on 19.11.2010 as she was not well and wanted to meet her father i send her to my inlaws with my maternal uncle.we both planned that if her parents disagreed to send her back i would get the police help and take her back.she went to her father's house.she phoned me for two day she told me her father does'nt want het to come back with me. and the next all the phones were off.i was confused.i tried to contact her but all in vain,i had to go to the police as per our plan .but due to some confusions the plan omeone told me they would lodge 498 on me.i did not go there on time .i published the marriage photos advertisement in lokmat newspaper on 24.11.2010.her brother called me and threatned me of dire consequences stating he would kill me.i was shocked. still i went to the police station in her fathers area.police over there told me they already received a letter from my wife that i kidnapped her and took her in my custody but i had all the letters she had written to me and the photographs of our marriage, i showed them all the documents.the police over there came to the conclusion that i was the same time they called my wife to the police station where she refused to come back with me .but there was full setting of the police as her uncle himself is a police and it is thgeir local area. her father was in the same room while the police was questioning her.i could see the pressure on her.the meeting was mere of 3 minutes.i could not talk to her.i was fully disturbed so i again called to police inspector for another meeting and offered him bribe for the meeting he would arrange for me.on 18.12.2010 she was called in thge police station where she was ready to come with me and was just to give her final statement in written.but as i told her uncle who is police in the same station intervened and started confusing her in my presence , he called her brothers in the room .her brothers started pressurising her stating her fater was not well and so on.she was in a gimmick and gave a final statement of staying with her father.dear sir i am confused how to meet her . i need her councelling at the earliest.and i am doubtful of her pregnancy,her father may miscarriage her . and threat to her life.i need her councelling at the earliest.please let me know how can i meet her legally.and one more thing she stayed with her parents for more than a month in so much time they definately have diverted her mind against me.i know she wants to come with me but the family is pessurising her.what can i do.please help me out.can i claim any offence against her father and her family.i am doubtful her fathe may marry her .to stop him from doing this what can i do sir.

  • Ajay says : law of torts
    Dear sir Bank has use sarfesi act against us where as we were not default in payment even after serving 13(2) notice we were paying instalment and interest,so we think our account were not NPA,bank publish 13(4) notice in newspaper damaging our goodwill and credibility.supplier stop giving credit and so many problem. Now we have file counter claim on bank for 3.3 crore using law of torts.Can we use law of torts in India. Reg Aajay Kumar Bangalore

  • Simran says : Query
    Sir I purchased a flat on mezzanine floor in a society for commercial purpose but the society is asking me for indemnity bond of Rs.100/- that the property is used for residential purpose for me & my family members. I reside in mumbai kindly help give with any act or provision in law where it is wriiten that mezzanine floor can be used for commercial purposes. Kindly reply to my mail at the earliest

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