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Co-op Society legal position

(Querist) 29 August 2009 This query is : Resolved 
1 ) Can the Mg. Commitee of a Hsg. Scty.
which has not filed the M20 bonds as
per Mah. Co-op Scty Act , file a
case in co-op court or make
affidavits to represent the society
in such matters.
2 ) What is the postion of such a
committee which presents & passes
in the AGM Audit Documents which are
Rubber Stamped with the Auditors Seal
but not signed by him
Adinath@Avinash Patil (Expert) 02 September 2009
Dear Gurudutt,
1] If managing commitee not filed M20 bonds then the managing commitee automatcaly come to end.Hence they can't represent society or file affidavit.Only secretary/manager can reprent socity.
2]Agm documents become invalid.
gurudutt (Querist) 08 September 2009
Thank You , Mr. Patil for the kind reply.

But still another query arises from your reply.

1 ) If the Mg. Committee is not legal , then how the secretary who is a part of the mg.committee represent the society.

2 ) What is the status of such a secretary who has filed a an affidavit claiming to represent the society. Is he giving a false affidavit?riven

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