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Ancestral Property

(Querist) 14 August 2009 This query is : Resolved 
My Grand father had given his ancestral property to 3 persons. My father,My father's brother (My Chacha) & my Father's Sister (My Chachi). My Chacha sold some of his ancestral property and was in financial debts. So My Father exchanged his large property and also paid money to my Chacha for his small property with the ancestral house. Since my Father has purchased it, will it remain ancestral property or will it be considered to be self acquired property
sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 14 August 2009
Dear David Jacob,

Property purchased by your father that property considered as Self acquired property of your father but that property.

sanjeev desai
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 14 August 2009
Sanjeev Ji has replied correctly.

after partition the rights have been determined and the property has been divided further the title is also transfered.

later on any transaction made qua the property by the father from his own assets will become father's self acquired property.
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 14 August 2009
but David u just tell me r u covered under Hindu Succession Act?

additional query here, whether HSA applies to other religions also like Christians?
David Jacob (Querist) 14 August 2009
Dear Mr. Kiran Kumar,
Since I am not a Hindu, I am not covered under Hindu Succession Act.I am a Christian.
From David
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 14 August 2009

so it was just a query :-)

i think u r satisfied with the reply.
David Jacob (Querist) 14 August 2009
Dear Mr. Kiran Kumar,
Thank you again for your prompt response. My query stands resolved 100%. Thank you again.
- David
ANTHONY REDDY (Expert) 14 August 2009
If the property purchased by your father is registered one from your chacha, it is self acquired of your father, otherwise it remains ancesestral.
David Jacob (Querist) 14 August 2009
Dear Mr. Anthony Reddy,
Thank you for your reply. Yes, the Ancestral Property purchased by my Father from my Chacha is registered one. Thank you again.
Nishant (Expert) 15 August 2009
Dear, David Jacob, Wheather Hindu Or Christian ,Its your Fathers Self Acquired property Now.Not Ancestral one. So there is no share for your chacha & chachi or buaa.
David Jacob (Querist) 15 August 2009
Dear Nishant,
I do feel that this is a good forum. If people really know their rights and limitations a lot of unwanted legal battles can be avoided. All the answers given by eminent personalities including you states that the said property is not an ancestral one. My query had already been solved as I mentioned earlier but your answer shows a new dimension to it although the answer to my query is the same.
David Jacob (Querist) 15 August 2009
Dear Nishant,
I do feel that this is a good forum. If people really know their rights and limitations a lot of unwanted legal battles can be avoided. All the answers given by eminent personalities including you states that the said property is not an ancestral one. My query had already been solved as I mentioned earlier but your answer shows a new dimension to it although the answer to my query is the same.
Adinath@Avinash Patil (Expert) 16 August 2009
Dear Jacob,
Your father has purchased the property hence the said proprty is self acquired property.

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