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please help me

(Querist) 27 May 2008 This query is : Resolved 
I am Suvra Chatterjee was running a business in my mothers name on which my father intruded after his retierment & on objecting to his intrusion he with the effective help of my mother took away all the money & eventually made me bankrupt & jobless as the business closed down due to shortage of money.
He did this with the help a man named samar chatterjee who is the secretary of a organisation named"THANA SAMANAY SAMITY"which basically is a organisation in west bengal thats works for the people in the wrong side of the law to comunicate with the police to settel the crimes of them,evading general peoples eye.
My father has forged the signature of mine to change the consumer name of the electricity meter(2266839)of CESC to my mothers name without the knowledge of mine,for which
I tried to register a complain to the police,but on the instructions of this samar chatterjee the local police (Jadavpur police statoin,Kolkata--700032)even refused to register a G.D also.
So on the above said circumtances I desparetly need you peoples important suggestions & help to overcome these problems.
Will it be of any help if I go to the Human rights commision asking for there intervention in the matter.
YOURS Faithfully
Suvra.Chatterjee (Querist) 27 May 2008
I really need the help & important suggestions of learned peoples
Jithendra.H.J (Expert) 27 May 2008
you can file private complaint before the jurisdicational police arraying all the persons involved in this, and you should not pray before the court for the investigation by the police instead enquiry by the court itself. it means as soon as youfile private complaint the case will be posted for sworn statement, and after this SS the criminal case will be registered, and you have lead your evidence and has to produce the documents and witnesses,...if you are not an advocate plZ contact nearest advocate

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