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Queries Participated

vincent gomez   26 February 2017 at 16:01

Register opc under spice

I want to register OPC in Delhi under Spice, where and how to do it. ROC is not very friendly when visited. Online is complicated for not so literate computer users like shopkeepers and small businessmen in Delhi. Your help will help many like my clients. I am a consultant for a NGO working for poor humankind for their self esteem, dignity and self employment for self subsistence legally and lawfully in society as law abiding respectable citizen, my query in question to my expert and honourable friends was simple to the point and clear, as many of our members and clients of our NGO want to know the procedure to register OPC under SPICE and I wrote to all my esteemed expert friends as said above, but the reply I got is divine and BY EXPERTS THEMSELVES in the reply box is for you to check for yourselves. How can poor and not so literate poor man have faith on our legal system and experts-now lies on our experts and seniors to decide.
Please help, now with my queries in question for the sake of common man.
Vincent Gomez

jyoti   21 November 2016 at 22:31

Loan from a foreign entity

Can I avail a loan of USD20000 from a foriegn entity repayable in 2 year with interest? Do I have to submit any return to RBI?

Denis Rodricks   01 October 2016 at 18:19

Resign as a director in a pvt ltd

Dear Sir
I am a director in a newly formed Pvt Ltd with 30% stake, paid the share capital amount through bank by chq and also deposited extra amount for running expenses, formation of the company and logo registrations. Due to the non transparency of the other directors I want to resign as a director, please advise what steps should take regarding the accounts on the extra amount I deposited in their account and the shareholding, share certificate has not been issued yet. Thanks

jknksk143   01 September 2016 at 19:35

I would like to start a company a interior design company in india

I am an Indian citizen from Chennai, TamilNadu and working & living in Muscat. I would like to start a interior design company Bangalore. I need the legal procedures and advises regarding the setting up of company in India.

Anonymous   13 June 2016 at 11:33

Lodging of FIR

Sir, I want to lodge an fir against a person but due to some emergency i am going out of the town for a month.

Now i would like to know shall i file FIR now or once i will come back to city after one month? If i lodge FIR now then my presence require for investigation or i can leave the city for one month?

Kumud Prasad   29 April 2016 at 13:22

Merger status

Dear Members,

How will i get to know the merger status of one of the company?

By putting party name i am not able to found the Company?

Anonymous   17 April 2016 at 13:14

Legal Notice

I m goin to take legal action against my ex gf for cheating and harassment. Can anyone assist me for drafting and sending the above stated notice in delhi?

Anonymous   17 April 2016 at 09:55


My ex-girlfriend is continously harassing/insulting me about my caste over the phone and my caste. Can i take legal action against her for the same?

Kumud Prasad   13 April 2016 at 15:34

Registration of trust in delhi

Dear Members,


And what about the Stamp duty if the Trust property(movable) is Rs. 50000 and fee for registration of trust?