(Querist) 08 January 2009
This query is : Resolved
I understand that the will has to be signed by 2 witnesses.In this respect please clarify the following:
1)Can the witnesses be relatives like my wife or my co-brothers?
2)Is it necessary that the witness has to read the will before signing?
(Expert) 08 January 2009
As to Witnesses, Any body can be a witness it is better if they are of young age and as to reading over of the will by the witnesses is not necessary as the necessity of the witnesses is that they have witnessed your signing of the will and they are not concerned about the contents of the will.
(Expert) 08 January 2009
Yes rightly opined by Narsinga Rao Sir, any person other than the beneficiary of the will can attest it. Srinivas BSST
(Expert) 09 January 2009
I too agree with the experts.. I like to add that the duty of the witness is that he is only a witness as the testator signs before him and reading the contents in the will not necessary..