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Why men should refuse to marry?

Page no : 2

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     10 June 2008

Well, still no word about the about the abuses of laws, which we are discussing. It appears that women enter into debate to distract the debate, i will tell you the tactics of distraction:

1. You cant say this.

2. I dont believe.

3. Men are greedy.

4. Every body does this, etc. etc.

Is it logic?

The truth is that these laws have been enacted to harass the man, and even educated women who knows about the abuse of laws, are silent. Not even a word against such blatant abuse of laws, specially enacted to be abused.

I allege that this silence is collaboration.

The issue needs to be fought by men only.


Deepak Rikhari (Student )     10 June 2008

Ms.  Romeshwari  saying that Men are greedy but I feel that most cases of maintenace are filed by only women so who is greedy?  My submission is only that legislature should delete the 498A because it is not the solution. If couples think that they are not well together then they should have a freedom to  leave the matrimonial home.  If anyone making demand of dowry then why women tolrating it , leave the matrimonial home instead of filing complaint at CAW cell.  

           In one side government   saying that men and women are equal  but  in the other hand it is making the one sided act called Domestic Violation Act. 

         I am fully agree with Mr. Rajesh that It is not generalisations- it is a reality a sad reality .  I am very afraid with this reality because after some time no men will think to marry because there is no law for men. Even I am also thinking to be single in my whole life because in India law made and making only to harras men.

Vijay Kumar (Advocate)     10 June 2008

I am a practicing criminal lawyer and has been fallen victim to section 498A IPC and was forced by my LL.B. wife to give divorce to her ; but still I am seeking for second marriage. ( My posted message may be viewed at Criminal Law> Sign this Petittion against 498A , dated May  04,2008)

My humble request is that we must not allow the prejudice to enter our minds, as our mothers & sisters are also belong to womenfolk.                                          


Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     11 June 2008

All the best. We sincerely hope that history will not repeat itself.

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     11 June 2008

I just wish to inform the learned members of the forum of number of arrest under Dowry Acts (in the year 2005)-

A total of more than 1,30,000 persons were arrested. Out of those, approximately 30,000 are women- your mother and sisters. Approximately 350 juvenile were arrested (have you heard of Juvenile Justice Act). Approximatley 5000 of them were of more than 60 years of age, so called senior citizens.

On this figure, husbands, as a class are biggest criminal class in India. They have become the most dangerous criminal tribe in India. Marriage is the surest way to join this hated class.



J. P. Shah (RTI & CONSUMER ACTIVIST)     11 June 2008

There is other side also. If one girl from the family resorts to illegal harassment of inlaws and husband, she and her sisters will find it difficult to marry. This family may find it difficult to get good girls  for sons.

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J. P. Shah (RTI & CONSUMER ACTIVIST)     11 June 2008

This is marital terrorism in India!!!!!!!

Romeshwari (Lawyer)     11 June 2008

Sir again i m just trying to emphasize on the same thing that you are only focussed on male persons.

Have u taken the ratio about the death of women becoz of demand of dowry.

Have u seen the ratio that how many ladies have been thrown out from their husbands house just bcoz of demand of dowry.

Have u seen the ratio as to how many females are victimised bcoz of demand of dowry.

Have u seen the ratio that how many females have been beaten, manhandeled bcoz of demand of dowry.

Have u seen the ratio that how many females were admitted in a hospital for this demand of dowry.

May be u practising or living in a better place where these things doesnt come in to an account. I practiced at Allahabad High Court and i have seen the poor village girls and parents who r being victimized becoz of demand of dowry. Go in to the rural areas / small places and c what is the truth.

These places are so deserted that people even doesnt know what is 498 A or 304 B.

One thing again I am a male person. Dont go by name.

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     11 June 2008

Things has come to such a pass that males have masquerading as females. I will reply to your points soon.

Romeshwari (Lawyer)     11 June 2008

Sir, A very big problem in wakalat is making personal comments. Law only requires arguments. Its only my view, that all. No need to be personal. Its just professionalism.

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     11 June 2008

Even if all your arguments are accepted, then also it cannot be ground of falsely accusing innocent persons.

Further, the logic given by you can be sole reason of repealing these provisions- where it is needed, no body knows the law; where it is not needed women are abusing it.

My friend, the biggest turanny is vaguely worded criminal legislations. The more bigger tyranny is definition of words according to gender- like,

-adultrous women is a victim, adultrous man is a criminal.

-able bodied women cannot maintain herself, able bodied man can maintain himself, children and wife, everybody

-what a women is saying is true, what a man is saying is false.

-men can commit cruelty, women cannot commit cruelty.

-men keeping women property is criminal breach of trust, women keeping man property is not a criminal breach of trust.

-women need to be empowered so emasculate men.

-women cannot maintain herself, so give her 33% reservation to maintain the country.

Are we living in a civilised society? This society has forgotten abc of logic- what to talk about law.


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Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     12 June 2008

Some hard statistics:

-A survey says that more than 30% of the bail application in the court of laws relates to abuse of these sections.

-One minor is arrested everyday by abuse of these laws.

-One innocent senior citizen is arrested every 2.4 Hours. World Health Organisation cite this as one of the most important cause of elder abuse.

-One innocent person arrested every 5 minutes by abuse of these laws.

-More than a million persons has been arrested in the last 6 years through abuse of these laws.

-The innocent husband and his family fight for more than 8 years to prove their innocence.

No study has been conducted to guage the effect of these laws on employment of innocent accuseds, their social reputation, their wealth and income generating capacity, their psychological and physical health etc.

Do we need any more reason not to get married?

J. P. Shah (RTI & CONSUMER ACTIVIST)     14 June 2008

Minister for women and child welfare  will be meeting with men who are victims of "legal marital terrorism by women" on 15-06-08 at Delhi. Let us see and wait.......Few days back a man committed suicide in Rajkot after knowing that his wife has filed complaint under domestic violence act. Like atrocities act, such inhuman laws will be amended when these weapons will be misused against judges, M.Ps., IAS/IPS officers, ministers. politicians. Common man has no place in India. 

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     14 June 2008

One day i heard the Minister on TV- when she was aksed about abuses of tehse laws, she laughed. Turture of men appears to be a laughing matter to her.

I dont hope for any positive outcome from this meeting.

Guest (n/a)     14 June 2008

You have hit the point. These laws are mainly misused and I have personally come across such cases. These laws are breaking marriages, breaking family ties and encouraging greed and falsehood. They are used as weapons agianst innocent men. In fact we see not only this but a general tendency in India to down grade men (hardworking men).


Hats off to you for raising this topic and hope many men realise what is going on

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