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Seeking divorce after a forced marriage.

I was forcibly married by my father in 2005 while studying in college 2nd year, even after resenting it for three years. I never accepted her as a wife, as she did nothing on her part to stop the marriage. In June 2010, I  applied for divorce. After which she filed a case of dowry harassment and cruelty on my family. The facts she mentioned are all false and baseless. She refuses to agree for the divorce and has also asked for maintenance of 25,000 which is 3,000 more than my monthly salary. I had been tortured for years by my father before marriage, and now it is her parents. All this has happened due to my soft hearted nature.  My father has accepted his mistake, but that will not change the situation. I also do not want to accept her ever back in my life as she is very foul mouthed and her presence suffocates me.  I have hired a good lawyer, but what he tells is that these divorce cases linger for years with minimum 2 years. I am drained financially and have lost all hope in life, and sometimes think of committing suicide.  

Can anyone give legal help to get rid of this forced relation as fast as I can. 

 72 Replies


Mr Rohit -  First of all i would like to say that why did you get married this way, and you yourseld couldn't oppose your marriage then how can you blame you wife that she gor married to you and didn't stop, Did you spoke to her before marriage and told her your problem ??? if not then you can't blame her.

Then you said that you have never accepted her as a wife, this means your wife kept waiting all these 3 years for your love & care but you didn't bothered, and now you want divorce, so what do you expect her to do, will she pray to you as a god. Have you realised you have spoiled her life & future. you have written that she use foul language etc, thats because she is frustrated. Have you ever tried to speak to her and make things okay.

You have not mentioned anything else, that why you opposed this marriage etc? Now your wife has filed cases and you are troubled, but don't dishearten and don't think so negative of committing suicide etc.

i think all these problems are due to your immaturity and your own rigidity. You opposed your marriage, whatever reasons there may be, but now you got married and should understand your responsibility, rather then blaming others that you forced me for this marriage etc. See rohit your wife is not ready for divorce,and you don't have strong grounds for divorce, if you put alligations on her you need to prove them also.

Moreover you have never accepted her as your wife, she can say all this to court, so contesting divorce will be long, and not that easy. So its better to if you go for mediation & counselling. talk to your wife , if she takes her case back. If possible give chance to your marriage. But as your wife has filed 498 things are a bit complex for mediation also, but you can try.  And please don't get misguided, calling her back and then harassing her can turn dirty for you if your wife registers an FIR, so its better be sensible and think positive. Try to compromise, that might help you and take you out from this situation.

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Madam Avnish Kaur - I agree with jia kappor, please don't give such bad plans to people, this is a respectable forum , and we are not here to give shrude and cunning plans to people.  Rest whatever you have explained is okay nothing wrong, but personally you have provoked the person and you have given plans. Thats wrong.

So please don't take personal , this is for your good madam, beacuse everbody is checking this forum so it will give a bad impression.

Don't mind........thanx

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     10 January 2011

we give legal best possible advise not emotional advise. it was better if u dint jump into it.

wat this jia thinks of her? making fool of this guy and giving rcr advise to another guy.

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tortured_aathma (none)     10 January 2011

agree with avnish ji , jia shud not make personal attacks, does she know abc of law?


You are asking that person to fight more & more cases, and keep contesting divorce case until he comits suicide , can't you see the person is already distressed.


tortured_aathma (none)     10 January 2011

ms. komal and jia this is site to give people practical and legal solution and not emotional so please stop posting just for sake of posting some advice.

in this case gentleman is saying that lady has filed false cases so that shows the true nature of that lady and even attempting to reconcile with such women is worse than anything in this world.

friend my advice is never to take a lady back or even attempt reconcilation if she files false cases against u and ur family.

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Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     10 January 2011

komal ji in a contested divorce parties have more enemity than indo-pak.if u have not seen a family court and 498a court please do visit once. there is no other option for him except to fight the case, i think reconciliation must have already been tried several times in this case. more ever if 498a is filed there is no scope for a compromise unless he pays heavily, he already says he is financially drained .

if 498a weapon was gifted to females , men also got livin weapon to bring other party to reality of situation--- that is this marriage is dead.

this is the most practical legal advise u can give him to lead a happy life without further wasting time. for more details join SIFF.

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Shubham kumar (Practising Lawyer)     10 January 2011

Common people why are you fighting on this forum , this is not a cat fight here, this is not about personal egos.

Miss Avnish its good that you like giving legal advice , but at times we need to think emotionally aswell, and yes you should give plans , that was a bit too much and was not a part of legal advice i think, iam into law so i know that giving cunning plans are unethical, altough people give but still its unethicall. And its just a forum even if miss jia has commented personally , she has written nothing rude or abusive, but your reply was a bit lik immature cat fight, karishma kapoor and avoid it madam.

And Mr rohit yes even i will suggest you a mediation or counselling . If that helps you then its good. and i will support miss komal, very true Law is to help people not about breaking marriages.

Shubham kumar (Practising Lawyer)     10 January 2011

Miss avnish & tortured aatma , iam a practising lawyer, i know how husband & wife fight like dog and cat but may at times even people compromise and start afresh. Its already clear that mr rohit never accepted his wife so their is no question that he has tried for reconciliation earlier, its out of question. He has written straightaway that he had never accepted his wife, and now he wants divorce . can't you see how much injustice his wife had to go through . Now he is drained can't fight more, have no money to afford more, and still you are suggesting to fight till he keeps his house & everything mortgage.

At times we need to compromise in life. If a simple soft conversation can help them then i don't think their is any harm. Its not necessary that women are always wrong, if they file cases, first we should see what she has gone through. Law is logical.....and marriage is intense, practical & emotional, so we should think all the pros & cons.

Shubham kumar (Practising Lawyer)     10 January 2011

Miss avnish & tortured aatma , iam a practising lawyer, i know how husband & wife fight like dog and cat but may at times even people compromise and start afresh. Its already clear that mr rohit never accepted his wife so their is no question that he has tried for reconciliation earlier, its out of question. He has written straightaway that he had never accepted his wife, and now he wants divorce . can't you see how much injustice his wife had to go through . Now he is drained can't fight more, have no money to afford more, and still you are suggesting to fight till he keeps his house & everything mortgage.

At times we need to compromise in life. If a simple soft conversation can help them then i don't think their is any harm. Its not necessary that women are always wrong, if they file cases, first we should see what she has gone through. Law is logical.....and marriage is intense, practical & emotional, so we should think all the pros & cons.

Shubham kumar (Practising Lawyer)     10 January 2011

Tortured aatma - this forum is not about mocking and abusing people. You have written wrong things & luke comments on two females, be carefull okay.  miss jia & komal have suggested nothing wrong .

Alok Kumar garg (Lawyer)     10 January 2011


I strongly think both of you have lack of legal knowledge and giving nasty plans is not acceptable for sure, so better don't repeat sich things in future.

Law is about justice and not about breaking homes by giving dirty plans.

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     10 January 2011

so we have two new ids appearing suddenlyalok and shubham

Shubham kumar

Practising in family court ahemdabad
Since : 10 January 2011

I am OnlineAlok Kumar garg
Since : 10 January 2011

Total Points: 24
Profile Visits: 10


not difficult to guess who it is?

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Viswanath (Student)     10 January 2011

You need not have applied for divorce in the first place, this as a voidable marriage, so you could have filed a petition for declaring the marriage void.

Further, when you say you were in 2nd year of college when you were married, what was your age then ?

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