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Seeking divorce after a forced marriage.

Page no : 2

Saurabh..V (Law Consultant)     10 January 2011


I agree with @Avnish & @tortured_aathma


Law is about striking a balance between the stature and justice. Goal for every judge in every case is to meet the ends of justice.


In a situation where husband was forcefully married to a girl is general situation in India where we follow a patriarchal society. But it was the duty of the husband after the marriage to accept and give it a chance "atleast". Certainly the wife has gone through trauma and gone through pain. However, filing of false dowry harassment cases has lead to misery to both the spouses.


If there is a family discord then there are proper ways to attend them. The best forum should have been to bring elders for mediation  than filing criminal cases. May the husband has harassed or not, once a criminal complaint is filed by a wife, the marriage breaks down like a glass which can never be mended. Marriage knot is strong still very loose. It is complex is we make it so. It is a walk in a garden on petals of roses if we understand out spouses and provide support.


In the present case, both the parties have gone through mental agony due to one or other reason and reconciliation seems to be a bad option. As even if mediation succeeds and they starts residing together, the problems shall arise again and it would be a living hell for both the parties.


I suggest they take practical approach and realize the importance of others efforts. @Rohit Kumar you have to go through this brave-heartedly and seek all possible support from your wife. You should seek few mediation sessions with the help of the Family Court Judge and your lawyers. This would certainly help you go through this in easier way..





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I can see people are talking about mediation here and thats what me & madam jia had suggested earlier, we have not mentioned about RCR anywhere, just suggested mediation and conselling, their can be a settlement outside court if possible and that settlement can be anything.  & I will again say Law is about justice and not about breaking homes by provoking them. And note people who are saying avnish & tortured aatma are right they themselves are suggesting for mediation what me & jia suggested first, then whats the point in fighting. Moreover every person has right to express their own views, but giving dirty plans is not acceptable.

But iam unable to understand why people are pin pointing others and their profiles and suspecting & preassuming things that as a person has registered recently so he/she is under doubt, what is all this ?? no body has the right to defame anyone without knowing the facts. 

Miss Avnish please i request you humbly stop this drama.  If you are legal adviser be so. Don't pin point on anybody's identity . I hope you will take care of things now.


By mistake i have written my name that should be madam kamal.  thanx

phaneendra (Advocate)     10 January 2011

yes i agree with jia kapoor  his opinion can help him rather than commiting suside .

 n i think Miss Avnish  is posting her opinion in a very rude manner thinkin every aspect in a negative way  and this is the forum where not only lawyers and experts are giving their opinions but also ppl like me who are still a law students or any other streem students joined this community to know the law n   thinking that some one are here to help us and we are trying to post our opinion but we are getting a very rude reply from ppl liveMiss Avnish so i request you please change your attitude and dont take it personal just be  proffesional ..........

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Alok Kumar garg (Lawyer)     10 January 2011

Miss Avnish -  You have lot of doubts regarding me so let me help you madam, yes i have joined it last night. I used to check and read the forums regularly and my son also posts in this forum with my ideas, but yesterday when i saw your rude comments and nasty fights, and negative plans which you gave to innocent people i couldn't stop myself to login myself and answer you.  Iam giving you my contact number ie- 9310980337, 9356071411, 9915007020, these are my numbers, i have given you my wife's number aswell to verify things, my hometown is chandigarh, sec - 41. I can also give you house number if you want. My son is in construction business, if he picks then just tell him that you want to talk to me.

Just because i supported madam jia , that doesn't mean you can suspect my identity , my profession and my experience. Miss Avnish you are an immature rude person, who have no knowledge about law, a very selfish person and you think you are practicle , actually you have no ethics, giving nasty plans to people, females like you ruin homes and family's by notorious plans and lives hell.

Miss avnish i don't even think that you are female. because your ideas are too dirty about females, so you don't have any respect about feminity,  iam waiting for your call and would be glad to clear all your doubts ,and would also like to know that if you have any law course or not , iam sure u have not, just wasting time here by misguiding people.  I hope you will call me to clear all your doubts. waiting.


Madam jia, iam komal not kamal, by mistake you wrote me kamal. 

Iam glad people are supporting your point of view, and negative people will understand how wrong they are, who just enjoy the pains of people and give them negative plans .  shamefull people .


Mam iam komal but iam unable to understand , whatever iam posting thats posting with your name, but my username is then why this ih hapenning . Iam afraid someone has hacked my account or what , where is my profile ??? iam not able to post with my own name . what kind of pecular problem is this ?????? please somebody help me.


Oh iam here now.  Thankyou phanendra.


Madam jia my name kamal, there was some problem , madam i think  account has been hacked , please check and change password.


Thank You for the reply.

I had told her before marriage that I am being forced into it. I fought with my father, and my family had surrendered to my father's emotional blackmail. I tried everything to stop it. I told my uncle, my cousin. Everyone tried but in vain. Even I fought with my father, but I was told that my education expenses would be denied. I was in love with someone else. She knew about it. She could have at least told her father that she cannot marry me as I have an affair.

I can see the kind of advice people give. Why should I accept her back. She did not even talk about it with her brother, her father; as being the only daughter it could have made a difference to her life. She was selfish, she thought all boys are the same.  If she risked her life marrying me knowing everything, then how can people say she is not to blame. She had nothing to loose had she refused. But I lost 10 years of my life because of her. Only who suffers know the pain.  It is easy to tell to forgive & forget, but when the same misery occur in a person's life, this doesn't work. 

I would like to know if any similar case has been fought. Kindly let me know the legal points. 

Thank you.


Thank you.

I was arrested and kept in police custody for three days after she filed her baseless case of harassment. She told that I and my family used petrol to burn her. Everyone knows (neighbours) when something like this happen, it cannot be hidden. They filed a complaint in 2010 saying that in June 2008 we tried to burn her.  I am working in a city 2000 km far from home from Feb 2008, which has helped me a little to avoid all the nuisances in my life. I very rarely visited home, and I was not even present in the city when this happened. Which can be proved by my office attendance.

She took all her belongings , her gold, gold that my father gifted her; and some more gold that could not be recovered (which did not exist, probably because she had already taken it with her before going home). I was humiliated in the police station because a women's statement is considered final. If she says she was abused, it becomes a fact.

 Being a male dominated society I can understand people will always take a women's side. 

Thank you again. Kindly let me know of any legal facts that can help people separate than stay together and poison their lives till death.


Thank you.

I think a person should at least have one very miserable experience in his life, so he can help others avoid what he suffered. I am only asking for help.

I can understand what she has gone through. She got her share of pain after marriage. I started getting it three years before marriage itself, with regular torture from my father. Who is to blame ?

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     10 January 2011

anyhow my advice is most practical legal advise , rest all nonsense.

DoNT  worry Rohit , join SIFF.

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Mr ROHIT thats sad, you didn't disclose all this before.  You said correct what a person faces and goes through he/she learns alot . If things are this bad then you can keep contesting your divorce case, actually things have got really bitter in your case due to lot of reasons. Don't take any haste decision or don't get into nasty plannings as dirty people sometimes suggest, beacuse that can end up into a police case etc.  What is your wife's motive ??? what does she want ???  What is her motive ??? Allimony or she is just making your life hell ???

Talk to your lawyer , if anything can be done on cruelty basis because false alligations are bad , so that can be stated under cruelty. 

All the best...... keep patience & don't think negative . have faith...don't loose hope .

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