u are with ur husband right now ? is he still behaving badly ?
or is thr peace ..if yes then give this relation more time..id suggest..
u have kids with u and no means but keep working on ur realtion and for some time dont react to his comments or verbal abuse tht ways u wont speak and he wont jump about to hit u..be quiet and just do ur chores , in the meanwhile be good to him as well , go for some professional course first make urslf competent enough to support ur kids and urslef rather than depending on ur parents..gain some confidence and be patient dont react this is the impt ..its hard not to oppose but in realtionships it works alot..
go for some correspondence course or studies thtll fetch u job , see all in all u really dont intend to break off so its no matter to do any cases or fir or live seperately..ur kids are small thy need u both..and rather goin for cases fir u must bring all ur enregy and focus on changing his behavior and u be more strong ..
rest its ur choice as ur in the situation urslf so u knw it better thn me..