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Ms.Usha Kapoor's Expert Profile

Queries Replied : 9267

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    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    Ican answer Business, Corporate, Tax and Family Law expert queries. Rest I can't answer.

    My area of expertise
    Income Tax Law

    My experience in the area (years):
    Income Tax, Business and Corporate Laws, Family Laws etc.

    Organizations I belong to:
    Independent Legal Professiona and Legal Expert

    Publications or writing which has appeared :

    Educational credentials:
    PG in Business and Corporate Laws from Osmania University. Also hold PG Diploma in Legal Process Outsourcing from Indira Gqandhi National Open University and Secured distinctionin that.

    Award & Honors: award for my blogs.

  • Ashwin says : Physical violence & Mental harassment by wife, fly
    Wife not staying @ home.Abuse n threaten on reaching home.Goes to her home every alternate month.Filed false cases.I filed RCR n brought her back after 2 years. Again same behaviour. No physical relationship.No children's in 3 years. Gynae Dr said she is infertile. Physchiatrist said take her to mental hospital.Created drama with abuse, physical assault many times.Her family forcefully took her & ran away by taking cash & jewelry. Police not filing FOR

  • Santishkumar says : Query
    Sir,if under 226(3) recovery is made with interst,can after 6 year new Ito ask for more interest on account of mistake in calculation of interest by previous ITO? Read more at:

  • vyomesh says : rent lar
    Respected Usha Kapoor, Under Gujarat rent act you have mentioned that rent fixed 20-25 years ago homeowner can revised the rent according to market rent under supreme court order. I have rented property 49 years back so according to supreme court's order can I revise rent with my tenant. what happens if my tenant refuses to pay market rent? secondly can you email the copy of supreme court's this order by supreme court applicable to the state of Gujarat. Thanks vyomesh shah

  • Deepak Kumar says : Regarding Live in Relationship
    I got married in 2009. In April 2016 due to some differences my wife left my home and started living with her parents. Neither she is ready to come back nor she wants to give me the divorce. 1. I don't want to get into court matter to get a divorce from my wife. I want to live in with one of my friends. Can I stay in live in relationship with her? 2. Is there any time limit for filing dowry and DV case, as my wife is living with her parents from past 3 years, or she can file any case any time?

  • Aditya verma says : Family law & Civil law
    Hi, I need some legal advise from you.

Comment Please


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