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(Querist) 14 May 2008 This query is : Resolved 
We have purchased lands in Poondi, outside CMDA limits. The Tahsildar will be giving a NOC certificate for conversion.The draft of the certificate merely says that the lands belong to us and that 'this certificate is issued for industrial purposes'. Is this certificate in order or is there any prescribed wordings for this NOC certificate ?
Manish Singh (Expert) 27 May 2008
The said certificate shall be okay only when you have paid all the conversion charges etc.
tahsildar is empowered to issue conversion certificate.
Firstly see for what purpose you need the conversion.
if the certificste to be made suits you,then its okay otherwise claim it.
See whether the land to be used does not come under the restricted lands notified by the Govt
uma shankar (Querist) 27 May 2008
But I am told that the authority for issue of certificate for conversion of lands is the Town and Country Planning Authority.

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