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Nikunj Trivedi (MANAGER)     25 June 2013

Quashing u/s 482


I am in need of a judgement of Supreme Court of India explaining wrt Quashing of Cognizance U/s 482. I have came to know that there is a judgement of SC (during period 1970 -1975) which says that Quashing of Cognizance U/s 482 can be filed at any stage of trial, but before the final judgement, of a case.

Kindly help me out and quote the citation/details of that case, pl.


 4 Replies

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     25 June 2013

what ever the topic search from indiakanoon website every thing is available to you 

Nikunj Trivedi (MANAGER)     25 June 2013

But I am not been able to find it. Would you please cite me the judgement details ?

Tarun Thakur (advocate)     25 June 2013

state facts of your case

Nikunj Trivedi (MANAGER)     26 June 2013

I want a decision of Supreme Court of India which was delivered in 70's. This was related to quashing matter U/s 482. According to this, it was held that Quashing U/s 482 could be filed at any stage of trial (obviously before final disposal of trial).

Pl help in finding that decision..



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