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Radha Iyer (no)     12 November 2021

Physical assault and abusive language

Dear Sirs:

I am a widow and I live alone. My children are settled abroad.

The family who live on G.Floor have been harassing me since my husband's demise in 2017 and they have filed a case on me on false pretext as they want to grab the property. 2 days before the man and wife hurled abusive language on me and used very bad words and the man threw bottle full of "geru"( which we use for rangoli) on me which hit my face. He raised his voice so much that outside my residents many people gathered and it was a public exhibition of his assault and abuse

He keeps threatening me that one of the MP in parliament is his close friend and i cannot harm him in any-which way.

I filed a complaint and a police beat officer came next day to take full details from me. what is the next step that I should take as I would like to take a legal action on them for physical assault and outraging a women's modesty? I would like to take most stringent action no matter how many times i would have to appear in court.


Please guide

Thanking you


 7 Replies

P RaviShankar-cell-8939332195 (Advocate )     12 November 2021

Madam, first of all follow the instructions given by the police. Simultaneously, you can file a civil case for damages and compensation in the competent civil court. I can assist you with the case...I'm Advocate RaviShankar from Chennai, my mobile number is 8939332195... feel free to talk to me

Radha Iyer (no)     12 November 2021

thank you sir. I live in Delhi

Arpit Tumbaria (Advocate at Uttarakhand High Court.)     12 November 2021

Mam you can follow the instruction of police and also file a FIR against the culprits U/S 323,504,506 of IPC IF Police denies to file a FIR then you must file it in Session Court of your Jurisdiction.

1 Like

P. Venu (Advocate)     13 November 2021

The police would have lodged FIR already. You may pursue the matter vigorously, if need be, through the provisions of the RTI Act. Simultaneously you can brong matters to the notice of the Women's Commission.

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     14 November 2021

Wait and watch for the action taken by police.

You can move to the Court of Chief Matropolitan Magistrate of your district in Delhi for lodging FIR, if no action is taken by the police (after reporting to higher police officers i.e., DCP & CP).

Who are those persons (accused in this case) living on ground floor who are not part of your family, as stated by you ?

I am practicing in Delhi, if you feel so, may contact with relevant records/ information.


Radha Iyer (no)     14 November 2021

Thank you for your reply Sir!

No, they are not related to me in anywhich way. the worst scenerio is this is the 3rd attempt of physical assault and he goes out of town next day morning. He has still not returned. I am in touch with my area SHO and he has told me to call him as soon as he returns. The physical assualt that was made was, he threw the plastic bottle of rangoli geru on my face that hit my lips and it got swollen. He pulled my hair and slapped me. Police says for filing an FIR they need to do medical & in this case which is not required. So lets see what they will do after he returns.

As per your advise, i will wait and watch else file an FIR in DM.

Thank you for giving this timely guidance/ Sincerely appreciate it.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     22 November 2021

any complaint you made in these 4 yerars.

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