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Naresh Toshniwal (ceo)     08 March 2011

Notary - Transfer of ownership from wife to husband

dear sir,

We have a building in name of my mother, which is facing west and south. As per vaastu, it should not be in the name of ladies if Land and building is facing south and west. He advised to go for notary in the name of my father. Kindly, help me with the procedure and cost involved.


 4 Replies

K S Narayana Rao (District Registrar)     08 March 2011

By way of settlement deed it can be registered in Sub registrar office of your area. If you give property extent type of structure age etc.  Sub registrar of your area will furnish the quentum of Stamp duty and Reigstration fees payable.

Vastu is nothing but earth, water, heat, air, space these five elements should be clean and sufficent for house construction.  Not names your mother and father makes no difference.  Think it over unnecessary expenditure.  It you want do it properly under Registration Act, 1908 but not under Notiories Act.

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Naresh Toshniwal (ceo)     09 March 2011

Dear sir,

Thanks for the prompt reply. I am really glad to see response on this site. Anyway, the problem is that my Dad has faced problems since we purchased the property in 1978 till know (we have small factory on this site). It is a bonafide purchase. The problem is with neighbours ( I do not want to mention). So, one vastu consultant (Person who do not accept anything in return) suggested this. He asked us to do "Notary" in the name of my Dad, then your problem would be solved. Anyway, I respect your opinion and hence would not think of it.



bhagwat patil (Property due diligence 9422773303)     10 March 2011

vastu is spiritual science and title is totally material thing for the shake of vatsu only it is better to follow vastushatri

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prasoon kumar mishra (lawyer)     10 March 2011

For better advice you require to give detals of the land. Like in delhi variour categories of land are there e.g. residential land of authorise colony, residential land of unauthorise colony, agricultural land etc. If building is situated in Delhi, you may contact - 09213316894 to advise you in a better way.

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