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bhagwat patil
Property due diligence 94

About me

  Member Since : 15 March 2010  (Pune )






':  9422773303    





gained experience in To convert every opportunity into achievement in the area of land utilizing my dealing with revenue authorities from talathi to mantralaya secretary.





I started my carrier as businessman occupation from the year 1980.I operated “Pallavi Medicals Stores” from 1980 to 1990.During such business field, I myself got educated in taking appropriate dosages for the patients and developed system of attachment to the medical field. In 1984 I started purchasing of agricultural land and convert it into Non-Agricultural plot and sell the same. Till today I have purchased about 300 acres of land of different owners, different locations like MUMBAI, PUNE , NASIK AND KARJAT







     B.Pharm                 1978              University of Bombay      


      1st B.G.L               1980              University of Bombay             





Ø  Quick learner with good analytical and problem solving skills, motivated to succeed with the desire to tackle challenging problems.

Ø  An energetic and focused team player and leader with ability to build cohesive, productive teams.

Ø  Strong interpersonal and communication skills with ability to maintain effective working relationships.

Ø  Resolve any problem with revenue department analyzing it with balanced state of mind.

Ø  Large negotiation skills with farmers and rural peoples.

Ø  I have good knowledge in land revenue laws in Maharastra.(converting to N A. form 6 6a 7/12 & change of sharth etc.







1. I attained Nav-chaitanya religious programme for reducing tension. In this field I educated others such as


Ø  Persons from Police Department –and –taught them to reduce stress and tensions.

Ø  Organized classes in School for teaching improving personal personality development through meditation.

Ø  Organized Meditation Classes in D.I.C.



There are many qualities and skills that go into being an excellent real estate professional – integrity, community expertise, in-depth market knowledge, marketing savvy, effective negotiation skills and a high-quality professional network, all of which are hallmarks of how I work.

That said, in my experience as a MUMBAI PUNE area agent I've also found that providing the very best service is essentially about putting my clients first. This means keeping myself accessible, being a good listener as well as a good communicator, and responding quickly to your needs.

This "customer first" philosophy has always been my approach and it requires me to continually improve my skills and ways of doing business. In addition, I've found that the latest technologies are enabling me to do everything I've always done, only much more quickly and efficiently. They've also helped me to extend the range of services I provide to my clients


Ø  Organized Meditation Utsav at large in various Universities with in the state of  Maharashtra.






DATE OF BIRTH             :  1st June 1956.

PERMANENT ADDRESS      :   603,Mittal towers ,Sun Granduer ,Bavdhan ,Pune 411021



      MARITAL STATUS            :  Married

      LANGUAGES KNOWN        :  Marathi, Hindi and English.


Strategy Planning
 Formulating budgets and standard
v operating procedures of projects ascertaining adherence to the same.
v Establishing systems, procedures and guidelines with involvement in introducing new systems for enhancing operating efficiency.

Infrastructure Development
 Liaisoning with Property Owners, Sub-Registrar, Real Estate
v Agents for site selection, identification and procurement of Land after analyzing all the legal aspects.
 Finalizing consent letters and other
v related formalities before commencing the project.
 Coordinating with
v external agencies, clients, architects & consultants for determining technical specifications, approvals for execution & obtaining On-time clearances.
 Finalization of requirements and specifications as well as
v project scheduling including material & manpower planning.
v with the Government Authorities and other agencies.
 Converting agriculture
v lands into non-agricultural ones and Zone verification for land use & obtaining permissions permissions U/s 63 and 43 of B.T & A.L act 1948 from Collector / SDO.
 Obtaining ULC clearance certificate from Urban
v Land ceiling Department.
 Negotiating with landowners for price fixation and
v verification of the title of the property.
 Undertaking verification of
v family trees and preparation of agreements to sale
 Planning authorities of
§ various states in India
 Appoint Local advocates to make search reports and
§ preparation of agreements to sale and other allied documents.

Litigation / Legal Affairs
v & applying policies / procedures to defend legal proceedings filed by defaulters against the company in courts, at various levels.
 Managing criminal litigation portfolios
v & attending Court cases and also briefing advocates/ solicitors.
 Applying legal course of action of
v sale and purchase of properties.
 Interfacing with Government Authorities
v and handling company’s cases pending all over India.
 Obtaining necessary
v permissions from collector / SDO to convey lands in favor of Company.

Legal Documentation
 Drafting of MoUs, Powers-of-attorney,
v Agreements to sale, sale deeds, PoA’s, declaration and Indemnity Bonds, Possession letters and Consent letters & Legal notices etc.
v periodical reports and gives presentation before management of the Company.
v Generating Legal MIS/Cost Analysis for assisting top Management in decision making process & strategic planning.


v Played a key role in purchase of :
 Huge amount of low cost lands to be
§ identified and initiate land purchase procedure by deploying suitable teams to expedite the process,in Raigad district,Maharashtra.
 Huge amount of lands
§ to procure in three costal talukas of Sindhudurg district for setting





The above information provided by me is true to the best of my knowledge.




       Place:pune                                       Bhagwat Patil

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