I got married in Jan 2012. We both faced small adjustment issues and quarrel between us.Now my wife was living at her parent's house since March 2014 and is not agreeing to come back. Initially their parents told me to have a cooling period before she comes back. Since marriage I had found that she is highly career oriented and wishes to work abroad. Now recently I was told that the she had traveled to London for her professional assignment for 6-8 months. I think it could be much larger than that time period.
From the whole scenario, My take is that even now the girl is not listening even to her parents for coming back to me. Her Parents always asks for time but that is equally elongated each time we tried to contact them. Now we had asked for mutual divorce, for which they are not agreeing. They understand that the problem is more at their daughter side and they do not want me to get away through divorce. I even do not have the contact number of wife to try to convince her for mutual divorce. I do not think waiting for another 6-8 months would serve any purpose for me. Do we have any provision in India law by which we can bring her back to have mutual divorce? Even I am ready to fight to get divorce in court but how can I get her back to India. What should I do?"