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Rajendran Nallusamy (Advocate)     14 February 2009

List of law journals in India

List of journals with abbreviations.

 19 Replies

Rajendran Nallusamy (Advocate)     14 February 2009



A.C.J. Accident Claims Journal

A.C.C. Accident & Compensation Cases

A.J.R. Accident Judicial Report

A.T.C. Administrative Tribunal Cases

A.T.J. Administrative Tribunal Judgments

A.T.L.T. Administrative Tribunal Law Times

A.T.R. Administrative Tribunal Reporter

A.H.C.R. Agra High Court Reports

A.M.L.J Ajmer Marwar Law Journal

All.E.R. All England Law Reports

A.I.C.L.J All India Civil Law Judgments

A.I.C.D All India Criminal Decision

A.I.H.C.C. All India High Court Cases

Al.L.L.R. All India Land Law Reporter

A.I.R. All India Reporter

A.I.R.S.C.W. All India Reporter Supreme Court Weekly

A.I.T.C. All India Tribunal Cases

All. A.C. Allahabad Appeal Cases

All. C.J. Allahabad Civil Journal

All. Cr.C. Allahabad Criminal Cases

All. Cr.L.J. Allahabad Criminal Law Journal

All. Cr.R. Allahabad Criminal Reports

All. Cr.R. Allahabad Criminal Rulings

All. Serv. Rep. Allahabad India Services Reports

All. L.J. Allahabad Law Journal

A.L. J.R. Allahabad Law Journal Reports

All. L.R. Allahabad Law Reports

All. L.T. Allahabad Law Times

All. L.W. Allahabad Law Weekly

A.R.C. Allahabad Rent Cases

All. Tax J. Allahabd Tax Judgments

All. W.C. Allahabad Weekly Cases

All. W.N. Allahabad Weekly Notes

All. W.R. Allahabad Weekly Reporter

A.J.C.L. American Journal of Comparative Law

A.J.I.L. American Journal of International Law

A.J. American Jurisprudence

A.L.R. American Law Reports

Am.L.R. American Law Review

A.P.L.J. Andhra Pradesh Law Journal

A.L.T. Andhra Law Times

A.W.R. Andhra Weekly Reporter

A.D. Apex Decisions

A.T.R. Arbitration and Trade Mark Law Reporter

Arb. J. Arbitration Journal

A.L.R. Arbitration Law Reporter

Assam L.R. Assam Law Reports

Austr. L.J. Australian Law Journal



B.C. Banking Cases

B.C.L.R. Banking Commercial Law Reporter

B.I.S.J. Banking Important & Selected Judgments

Bank. L.J. Banking Law Judgments

B.J. Banker's Journal

B.L.R. Bengal Law Reports

B.B.C.J. Bihar Bar Council Journal

B.Cri.C. Bihar Criminal Cases

B.L.J. Bihar Law Judgments

B.L.J.R. Bihar Law Journal Reports

B.L.T. Bihar Law Times

B.R. Bihar Reports

B.R.L.J. Bihar Revenue and Labour Journal

B.C.R. Bombay Cases Reporter

B.C.C. Bombay Criminal Cases

B.H.C.R. Bombay High Court Reports

B.H.C.Cr.R. Bombay High Court Criminal Rulings 

B.L.R. Bombay Law Reporter

Bom. P.J. Bombay Printed Judgments

Bom. R.C. Bombay Rent Cases

B.T.L. British Tax Library

B.T.R. British Tax Review

B.Y.I.I. British Yearbook of International Law

B. L.R. Building Law Reports

Bur. L.R. Burma Law Reports

Bur. L.T. Burma Law Times



Cal. H.C.N. Calcutta High Court Notes

Cal. L.J. Calcutta Law Journal

Cal. L.R. Calcutta Law Reports

Cal. L.T. Calcutta Law Times

Cal. Tax C. Calcutta Tax Cases

Cal. W.N. Calcutta Weekly Notes

Cal. L.R. California Law Review

C.L.J. Cambridge Law Journal

Can. B.R. Canadian Bar Review

C.P.L.R. Central Provinces Law Reports

Ch.C.C. Chandigarh Civil Cases

Ch.Cr.C. Chandigarh Criminal Cases

Ch.L.R. Chandigarh Law Reporter

Ch.L.R. (Cr.) Chandigarh Law Reporter (Criminal)

Civ. App. J. (SC) Civil Appeals Judgments (Supreme Court)

C.C.C. Civil Court Cases

Civil C.R. Civil Court Rulings

Civil L.J. Civil Law Journal

C.L.T. Civil Law Times

C.M.L.J. Civil and Military Law Journal

Col. L.R. Columbia Law Review

C.M.L.R. Common Market Law Reports

Com. C. Company Cases

C.L.J. Company Law Journal

Com. N.R. Company News and Reports

C.L.P. Competition Law in Practice

C.M.L.R. Common Market Law Reports

Const. L.J. Construction Law Journal

Con. L.R. Construction Law Reports

C.C.J. Consumer Claims Journal

C.P.C. Consumer Protection Cases

C.L.J. Consumer Law Journal

C.L.T. Consumer Law Today

C.P.J. Consumer Protection Judgments

C.P.R. Consumer Protection Reporter

C.T.J. Consumer Protection & Trade Practices Journal

C.P.L. Conveyancer & Property Lawyer

Co-op. L.J. Co-operative Law Journal

C.L.R. Co-operative Law Reporter

Co-op. T.D. Co-operative Tribunal Decisions

C.T.J. Co-operative Tribunal Journal

Cornell L.Q. Cornell Law Quarterly

C.L.A. Corporate Law Adviser

C.J.S. Corpus Juris Secundum

Crimes Crimes

C.A.D. Criminal Appeals Decision

C.A.R. Criminal Appeal Reports

Cri. C. Criminal Cases

Cri. L.C. Criminal Law Cases

Cri. L.J. Criminal Law Journal

C.L.L. Criminal Law Library

Cri. L.R. Criminal Law Reporter

Cri. L.R. (Raj.) Criminal Law Reports (Rajasthan)

Cri. L.R. Criminal Law Review

Cri. L.T. Criminal Law Times

C.P.S. Criminal Practice Series

Cr. R. Criminal Ruling

C.C.L. Current Central Legislation

Cur.C.C. Current Civil Cases

C.C.J. Current Civil Law Judgments

Curr. C.C. Current Criminal Cases

Curr. Cr. J. Current Criminal Judgments

C.C.J. Current Criminal Journal

C.C.R. Current Criminal Reports

C.I.S. Current Indian Statutes

C. Lab. R. Current Labour Reporter

C.L. Current Law

Cur. L.J. Current Law Journal

Curr. L.J. (Civ.) Current Law Journal (Civil)

Cur. L.J. (Cri.) Current Law Journal (Criminal)

C.L.R. Current Law Reports

C.L.P. Current Legal Problems

Cur. S.N.R. Current Sales Tax News and Reports

C.S.J. Current Service Journal

C.T.R. Current Tax Reporter

Cut. L.R. Cuttack Law Reports

Cut. L.T. Cuttack Law Times

Cut. W.R. Cuttack Weekly Reports



D.L.R. Delhi Law Review

D.L.T. Delhi Law Times

D.L. Delhi Lawyer

D.R.J. Delhi Reported Judgments

D.R.J. Delhi Rent Judgments

D.M.C. Divorce & Matrimonial Cases

D.E.C. Doabia's Election Cases



East Cri. C. Eastern Criminal Cases

E.S.C. Education & Service Cases

East L.R. Eastern Law Reporter

E.L.R. Environment Law Reports

E.L.R. Election Law Reports

E.C.C. Essential Commodities Cases

E.L.J. (L.S.) Epitomised Legal Judgments (Labour & Service)

E.H.R.R. European Human Right Reports

E.I.T. Ex-lmp. Times

E.F.R. Excise & Food Adulteration Reports

E.C.C. Excise and Customs Cases

E.C.R. Excise and Customs Reporter

E.L.T. Excise and Law Times

E.T.R. Excise Tribunal Reporter



F.J.R. Factories Journal Reports (Indian Factories Journal)

F.L.R. Factories and Labour Reports (Indian)

F.L.L. Family Law Library

F.P.S. Family Practice Series

F.C.R. Federal Court Reports

F.L.J. Federal Law Journal

F.S.R. Fleet Street Reports

F.A.C. Food Adulteration Cases (Prevention of) 

F.A.J. Food Adulteration Journal

F.I.I.P.L.P. Fordham International Intellectual Property Law & Policy

For. L.R. Fordham Law Review

F.I.A.S. Foreign Investment in Asia Series



Gau. L.R. Gauhati Law Reporter

Goa L.T. Goa Law Times

G.C.S.L. Greens Concise Scots Law

G.P.L. Greens Practice Library

Guj. Cri. R. Gujarat Criminal Reporter

Guj. H.C.R. Gujarat High Court Reporter

G.L.H. Gujarat Law Herald

G.L.R. Gujarat Law Reporter

G.C.S. Gujarat State Current Statutes



Halsbury Halsbury's Laws of England

Harv. B.R. Harvard Business Review

Harv. L.R. Harvard Law Review

H.R.R. Haryana Rent reporter

H.L.J. Hastings Law Journal

H.C.J. High Court Judgments (Hindi)

Him. L.R. Himachal Law Reporter

H.L.R. Hindu Law Reporter



Ill. L.R. Illinois Law Review

I.T.A.T.R. Income-Tax Appellate Tribunal Reporter

I.T.C. Income Tax Cases

I.T.J. Income Tax Journal

I.T.R. Income Tax Reports

I.T.T.C. Income Tax Tribunal Cases

I.T.T.D. Income Tax Tribunal Decisions

I. Adv. Indian Advocate

I.A. Indian Appeals

I.C. Indian Cases

I.B.R. Indian Bar Review

I.J.I.L. Indian Journal of International Law

I.J.R. Indian Judicial Reporter

Ind. J. Indian Jurist

I.L.R. Indian Law Reports

I.T.M. Indian Tax Mirror

I.C.R. Industrial Court Reporter

I.S.J. (Banking) Important and Select Judgments (Banking)

I.C.A.S. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland

I.B.N.G. International Business Negotiating Guides

I.P.L.S. Insurance Practitioners Library Series

I.P.G. Intellectual Property Guides

I.P.L. Intellectual Property Library

I.P.P. Intellectual Property in Practice

I.C.L.Q. International and Comparative Law Quarterly

I.B.L. International Business Lawyer

Int. L.R. International Law Reporter

I.S.E. International Student Edition



Jab. L.J. Jabalpur Law Journal

J.L.R. Jaipur Law Reports

J & K L.R. Jammu & Kashmir Law Reports

J.B.L. Journal of Business Law

J.C.C. Journal of Criminal Cases (Delhi)

J.D.R. Journal of Disputes Resolution

J.I.L.I. Journal of Indian Law Institute

J.I.A. Journal of International Arbitration

J.I.L. Journal of International Law (Indian)

J.P.E.L. Journal of Planning & Environment Law

J.S.C.T.L. Journal of Shipping Customs and Transport Laws

J.S.P.T.L. Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law

J.T. Judgment Today


K.L.C. Karnataka Law Chronicle

K.L.J. Karnataka Law Journal

K.L.T. Karnataka Law Times

Kant. Serv. L.J. Karnataka Service Law Journal

Kash. L.J. Kashmir Law Journal

Ker. L.J. Kerala Law Journal

Ker. L.R. Kerala Law Reports

K.L.T. Kerala Law Times


Lab. A.C. Labour Appeal Cases

L.L.J. Labour Law Journal

L.I.C. Labour and Industrial Cases

L.L.N. Labour Law News

L.L.R. Labour Law Reporter

Lahore L.J. Lahore Law Journal

Lah. L.T. Lahore Law Times

L.A.C.C. Land Acquisition and Compensation Cases

Land L.R. Land Law Reporter

L.S. (A.P.) Law Summary Andhra Pradesh)

L.J.R. Latest Judicial Reports

L.S.G. Law Societies Gazette

L.T. Jour. Law Times Journal

L.T. Law Times Reports

L.Q.R. Law Quarterly Review

L.W. (Cr.) Law Weekly (Criminal)

Lawyers Lawyers

L.U. Lawyers Update

Luck. L.J. Lucknow Law Journal

L.L.T. Lucknow Law Times



M.B.L.J. Madhya Bharat Law Journal

M.D.L.R. Madhya Bharat Law Reporter

M.P.C. Madhya Pradesh Cases

M.P.L.J. Madhya Pradesh Law Journal

M.P.L.T. Madhya Pradesh Law Times

M.P.R.C.J. Madhya Pradesh Rent Control Journal

M.P.W.R. Madhya Pradesh Weekly Reporter

M.Cr.C. Madras Criminal Cases

Mad. H.C.R. Madras High Court Reports

M.L.J. Madras Law Journal

M.L.T. Madras Law Times

M.L.W. Madras Law Weekly

M.L.W. (Cri.) Madras Law Weekly (Criminal)

M.W.N. Madras Weekly Notes

Mah. Cri. R. Maharashtra Criminal Reporter

Mah. L.J. Maharashtra Law Journal

Mah. L.R. Maharashtra Law Reporter

Mah. R.C.J. Maharashtra Rent Control Journal

Malayan L. J. Malayan Law Journal

Marr. L.J. Marriage Law Journal

Marwar L.R. Marwar Law Reporter

M.L.R. Matrimonial Law Reporter

M.Q. Mediation Quarterly

Me. U.L.R. Melbourne University Law Review

Mer. L.R. Mercantile Law Reporter

Mch. L.R. Michigan Law Review

Minn. L.R. Minnesota Law Review

M.L.R. Modern Law Review

M.L.S. Modern Legal Studies

Moo. Ind. App. Moore’s Indian Appeals

Moo. P.C.C. Moore’s Privy Council Cases

M.C.C. Municipalities and Corporation Cases

Mun. L.J. Municipal Law Journal

Mys. H.C.R. Mysore High Court Reports

Mys. L.J. Mysore Law Journal

Mys. L.R. Mysore Law Reports


N.L.J. Nagpur Law Journal

N.L.R. Nagpur Law Reports

N.L.J. New Law Journal

N.Y.U.L.R. New York University Law Review


Ohio S.L.J. Ohio State Law Journal

Orissa Cri. R. Orissa Criminal Reports

O.J.D. Orissa Judicial Decisions

O.L.R. Orissa Law Reporter

Oudh. Case Oudh. Cases

Oudh. L.J. Oudh. Law Journal

Oudh. L. R. Oudh. Law Reports

Oudh. S.C. Oudh. Select Cases

Oudh. W.N. Oudh. Weekly Notes


Pak. L.D. Pakistan Legal Decisions

P.S.G.I.A. Parker School Guides to International Arbitration

P.H.B. Parliament House Book

P.T.C. Patents and Trade Mark Cases

P.T.R. Patent and Trade Mark Reporter

Pat. L.J. Patna Law Journal

P.L.J.R. or Pat. L.J.R. Patna Law Journal Reports

Pat. H.C.C. Patna High Court Cases

P.L.T. Patna Law Times

P.L.W. Patna Law Weekly

Pat. W.N. Patna Weekly Notes

Pepsu L.R. Pepsu Law Reports

P.I.P. Perspectives on Intellectural Property

PRP. J.H.R. PRP Journal of Human Rights

P.F.A.J. Prevention of Food Adulteration Journal

P.C.L. Property and Conveyancing Library

P.L.J. Punjab Law Journal

P.L.J. (Cri) Punjab Law Journal (Criminal)

P.L.R. Punjab Law Reporter

P.L.R. (D) Punjab Law Reporter (Delhi)

Pun. Re Punjab Records

P.W.R. Punjab Weekly Reporter


Raj. Cri. C. Rajasthan Criminal Cases

Raj. L.R. Rajasthan Law Reporter

R.L.W. Rajasthan Law Weekly

R.C.S. Rajasthan State Current  Statutes

R.L.R. Rajdhani Law Reporter

Rang. L.R. Rangoon Law Reports

Rec. C.R. Recent Criminal Reports

R.R.R. Recent Revenue Reports

R.S.J. Recent Service Judgment

R.C. Rent Cases

R.C.J. Rent Control Journal

R.C.R. Rent Control Reporters

R.L.R. Rent Law Reporter

R.P.C. Report of Patent Cases

R.D. Revenue Decision

R.L.R. Revenue Law Reporters

Rev. Rul. Revenue Rulings


S.T. Aff. Sales Tax Affairs

S.T.C. Sales Tax Cases

S.T.I. Sales Tax Interpretation

S.T.J. Sales Tax Journal

S.T.L. Sales Tax Literature

S.T.T.D. Sales Tax Tribunal Decisions

S.T.R. Sales Tax Rulings

Sau. L.R. Saurashtra Law Reporter

Scale Scale

S.L.T. Scots Law Times

S.U.L.I. Scottish Universities Law Institute

S.C.T. Service Cases Today

Ser. L.C. Service Law Cases

S.L.J. Service Law Journal

S.L.R. Service Law Reporter

S.L.W.R. Service Law Weekly Reporter

Sikkim L.J. Sikkim Law Journal

Sim. L.C. Simla Law Cases

Sim. L.J. Simla Law Journal

Sind. L.R. Sind Law Reporter

S.P.J. Speed Post Judgments

S.L.S. Socio Legal Series

S.J. Solicitor’s Journal

S.A.L.J. South African Law Journal

Sri. L.J. Srinagar Law Journal

Stan. L.R. Stanford Law Review

S.C.C. Supreme Court Cases

S.C.C. (Cri.) Supreme Court Cases (Criminal)

S.C.C.(L & S) Supreme Court Cases (Labour & Service)

S.C.C. (Tax) Supreme Court Cases (Taxation)

S.C.C.R. Supreme Court Criminal Rulings

S.C.D. Supreme Court Decisions

S.C.F.B.R.C. Supreme Court and Full Bench Rent Cases

S.C.J. Supreme Court Journal

S.C.N. Supreme Court Notes

S.C.R. Supreme Court Reports

S.C.S.T.J. Supreme Court Sales Tax Judgments

S.C.W.R. Supreme Court Weekly Reporter

Supreme Supreme Today

Suth. W.R. Sutherland’s Weekly Reporter


T.N.L.J. Tamil Nadu Law Notes Journal

Tas. L.R. Tasmania Law Review

Tax Affairs Tax Affairs

Tax Dec. (SC) Tax Decisions (Supreme Court)

T.S. Tax Saver

Taxation Taxation

Taxman Taxman

T.T.J. Tax Tribunal Judgment (All India)

Tax. L.R. Taxation Law Reports

T.A.C. Transport and Accident Cases

Trav. Co. L. R. Travancore-Cochin Law Reports

Trav. L.J. Travancore Law Journal

Tex. L. R. (University of) Texas Law Review

Tul. L.R. Tulane Law Review


U.S.S.C.R. U.S. Supreme Court Reports

Um. N.N.P. Uchchatam Nyayalaya Nirnaya Patrika

Uch. N.N.P. Uchcha Nyayalaya Nirnaya Patrika

U.P.L.R. University of Pennsylvania Law Review

U.C.R. (Bom.) Unreported Cases Reporter (Bombay)

U.J. (S.C.) Unreported Judgments (Supreme Court)

U.P. Cri. C. Uttar Pradesh Criminal Cases

U.P.C.D. Uttar Pradesh Criminal Decisions

U.P. Cri. L.C. Uttar Pradesh Criminal Law Cases

U.P. Cri. L. R. Uttar Pradesh Criminal Law  Reports

U.P. Cri. R. Uttar Pradesh Criminal Rulings

U.P.L.R. Uttar Pradesh Law Reports

U.P.C.T. Uttar Pradesh Criminal Tribune

U.P.L.B.E.C. Uttar Pradesh Local Bodies & Educational Cases

U.P.R.C.C. Uttar Pradesh Rent Control Cases

U.P.R.J. Uttar Pradesh Rent Journal

U.P.S.C. Uttar Pradesh Service Cases

U.P.R.C. Uttar Pradesh Revenue Cases

U.P.R.J. Uttar Pradesh Revenue Judgments

U.P.S.T.J. Uttar Pradesh Sales Tax Journal

U.P.T.C. Uttar Pradesh Tax Cases


V.K.N. Vikraya Kar Nirnaya


W.L.C. Weekly Law Cases (Raj.)

W.L.N. Weekly Law Notes

Writ L.R. Writ Law Reporter


Yale L. J. Yale Law Journal

Y.C.A. Yearbook of Commercial Arbitration

Y.W.A. Yearbook of World Affairs
3 Like

K.C.Suresh (Advocate)     15 February 2009


Shree. ( Advocate.)     15 February 2009

 Thank you VERY much Sir for this useful Informations.

Rekha..... ( Practicing lawyer(B.Com LL.M in Business law ))     15 February 2009

Thanks Very much Rajendraji Sir. It is obliviously useful to understand the full name of journals while we r searching for citation or authorities. Once I did not know what is TAC now I can search. Thanks once again sir.

Vinodkumar Kotabagi (Advocate and Trademark Attorney)     15 February 2009

 Good collection. Thank you.

Vijay Kumar (Advocate)     15 February 2009

Thank you very much.


Excellent endeavour and thanks a lot.

Ravi Arora (Advocate)     16 February 2009

Mr. Rajendran very good

Abhishek (law student)     17 February 2009

gud collection of info....

ritu bhadana (advocate)     11 March 2009

 thanx mr. rajendran

vishwas (member)     28 November 2010

please give the address so that anybody can purchase is very good information,thanks.v.c.ottalwar

Bobby Mani T (Lawyer)     25 November 2011

A really good collection, worth admiration from all lawyers

Ashish Bansal (service)     25 February 2012

Sir, i don't know how you did this, but thank you very much..amazing !!!

Adv. jaya dadhich (lawyer)     10 April 2012

thanks a lot for information , useful and learnable information .


Adv. jaya dadhich

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