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Antonyjayapal (tutor)     01 February 2013

Finally i won with the help of experts and god

Dear and respected Experts.

My marriage was love and it was kept secret to my wife's parents.After two years of my marriage my wife's parents came to know about this an threatened my wife that if she comes with me they would suiced.They had filed a case for nulification that the consent to the marriage was by force.the case ran for two years.They didi not allow us to talk so we could not talk eachother.I faught the case in personally and finally my told the Judge that she is under pressure of her parents.Now she is with me and loves me a lot.Her parensts and advocate had threatened her and tutored her how to speak in the court.

Finally god helped me she told the judge during the time of cross examination.

Now we are planning to sue her parensts for the losts and suffeings.I lost Money,prestige and all.I was alone.My wife has been harrased by her parents and advocate.Please do not ask me to forgive.I must teach them a lesson please guide me how to proceed further.My wife is ready to say the truths before the court.What are action i  can take against them for keeping my wife in their custody and for the false case.


 3 Replies

ashok kumar (Social Worker)     01 February 2013


The good thing is that your wife is with you in teachingh a lesson to teh parents who are the criminals!

They must be taught an exempelary lesson!

Unfortunately in India the cases against parents are almost negligible because to maintain the Supremacy teh parents brain wash teh child in such a manner that the children treat the parents liek GOD even in cases where the parents behave like criminals of worst order!

Thee are very few parents who allow the children to live a life of their own and most of teh parents treat their children liek an investment which must guarantee them a return for being the parent of teh children!

shriks........... (healyhcare)     01 February 2013

hey congrats for that matter...
but if ur inlaws were n r so cruel u both could have very well moved out of ur houses n stayed at a residence updated at a local police station thretened for life n etc etc ...

but i really appericiate ur efforts and gods will

all the best buddy enjoy a happy and hah safe married life luck...!!!

Ranee....... (NA)     01 February 2013

Forget and forgive though you don't want to hear these words..Litigation will bring you equal  harrassment with is nice that your love peacefully and concentrate on how this can be protected forever.Good luck.

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