There are two citations 1. Raj High Court decided on 13.03.2012 in S.B. Criminal Misc. Petition No. 826/2012 named Maloo Finvest Services Pvt. Ltd. vs. Om Prakash Sharma and 2. Kerala High court decided on 11.07.1989 in A.S. No. 162 of 1988 named C.B. Joseph Vs M.P. Chandran. When the Case u/s 138 N I Act u/s 482 Crpc is decided by Raj High Court on 13032012, it was ordered "…the order dated 3.8.2010 passed by learned Addl. CJM No. 8, Jaipur City, Jaipur are quashed and set aside with the direction to the learned trial court to decide the matter afresh in the light of aforesaid submissions as also the objections which he has raised in this petition as also in the light of the case of C.B. Joseph (supra)." Now please guide whether this direction to decide "as also in the light of the case of C.B. Joseph (supra)" only applied to the particular case decided by Raj HC on 13032012 or Can it be used in all other cases related u/s 138 N I Act also, and all Trial as well as ADJ courts in Rajasthan as far as cases u/s 138 N I Act concerned are bound by this decision dated 13.03.2012 of Raj High Court as mandatory ?