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Paul (pvt)     27 May 2024

Unable to sustain family

History here.


Action Results
Filed cases u/s 506, STC cases during last 10 years , total 8 cases, because I think she is in affair outside the marriage and she don’t take care of sons and don't give respect to by other 4 siblings & their families. And many other reasons which I know. She does-not know how to lead a family  & godly spiritual life. Compromised in Lok Adalat after she agreed to withdraw her counter case i.e divorce
Asked her leave her flat  as I believe she is not able to manage the house & sons. I am staying in that flat with my sons, but unfortunately the title deed is in her name and she is staying in her fathers house
She filed a complaint at local police even to CP that she is not allowed into her flat, later a private complaint through court directing the police file an fir against me. The Judge who ordered the decree is under suspension  under different case & I said to the police that the order she got from the court is  managed by the Judge,  . Also some of my relatives who are in police dep't also able to convince them, luckily till date no FIR registered.
Several times complained to police over phone and in writing when she makes ruckus & galatas. They did not register FIR but few went to charge sheet stage.
My parents observed that because of her high salary she is very proud and don't listen to you, and I called  higher officials and asked them to dismiss from her employment after giving my explanations. Her private office officials did not dismiss but they transferred her to another department.
My siblings say that she is wordily person & I approached to Local church pastor to remove her from the church membership/role so that she would understand and come to God. The Church office bearers just insulting her verbally and no action beyond this.
Currently  there are no cases against her or me but she has filed again divorce case which I don't want because I think she is wanting her flat back & likely to file  another criminal or civil case against me. My counsel say that I may be evicted after the divorce  or before that ? But don't worry any case whether it is civil or criminal it would take more than 5 years for judgement  plus if you are ready for further legal expenses by hiring any suitable lawyer, they will try to delay for some more years. Once you become senior citizen then don't worry she will never be able to succeed in her life time, you can continue to enjoy the current possession even though you are NOT the owner of the property except you cant sell or rent. And I really don't want to leave this flat as it is high rise apartment and me & sons are comfortable here plus salary is less which I cant afford to get such an apartment on rent ?  


 2 Replies

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     27 May 2024

You have been fed with lot of misguidances.

You may better collect all the details and consult an experienced lawyer in the local and proceed as suggested.

Dr. J C Vashista (Advocate )     27 May 2024

Show the case files to some local prudent lawyer for professional advise and necessary proceeding.

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