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bharatbhai vyas   03 February 2023

Prove of demand acbcase

As par fir detail, complaintat lodge his complaint describing that agriculture officer has demand for money for his granting subcidy. And Agri officer reached him twice  to demand money. After fixing time ,date, place  to hand over money  to respondent  he lodge comp. He also add that at pre fixing time table respondent appeal him to if respon. may not come at the scheduled time due to official matter will come there and handover money to them. 

ACB police arreange trap and at the place caught third party public person with receive ing money  in presence of govt. Witness PW.1 from comp.where was present. 

Police charjed aginst agri.offi., third party under sanction 7,12, 13/1 of prevention of curruption act.  

At trial court procicution present govt.witness P.W. 1 and others including Po.officer . P.W.1 stated before hon.court that was not presence himself at trap place but comp.lead him at place  from outside state highway. He also added that mr. Xyz had not demanded money or receiving money from comp. Complaintat himself  hand over money to public person. He was hostile.

Procicution had not present any other eye witness which presence was there or any other documents to prove demand and recovery from                 hon.trial court convicted all three under section of p.act. my queary is : when demand is not prove by  any meterial evidence or jubani, on which ground  hon. court convicted the acused ? 

How many chances are there to eqital at highcourt.



 1 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     03 February 2023

evidence, in law, any of the material items or assertions of fact that may be submitted to a competent courts as a means of ascertaining the truth of any alleged matter of fact under investigation before it

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