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Aliabbas   21 August 2015

Property dispute

We are 3 brothers and 5 sisters. The Farther expired in 2006 leaving behind a self acauired property. The 8 (brother & sisters) and my mother became the legal heir of the property since all the names has been registered in property card, this property cannot be transfered without all signatures. My father has left no will and hence my younger brother does not want to give share to any one and wants to rule the property alone.

1. Is there any chance I can claim my right?
2. In case of my demice will my son be able to get right in this property?

 1 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     21 August 2015

1. Your right and share shall be decided in accordance with personal law applicable to the deceased owner e.g Hindu/Muslim etc................and applicable laws on the day succession has opened i.e. date/month/year of death of deceased owner of self acquired proeprty.

If you have a share you can certainly claim.

Amicable settlement is the best option.


2. Assuming that you have a share your share shall devolve upon your sucessors e.g  your son.

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