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Mukaish (Customer care Manager)     11 January 2013

Please please help

. Police has registered  498 A., 506 and 294 against me,   I was produced in court and bailed out. My wife who never remained with me during 6 months of  marriage . She lodged a comlaint aginst me. I am a trainee in revenue inspector institute. Police has sent a letter of arrest also to my institute. My questions are:

1. Will I be denied from my traing and job later on

2.If she wins the case I shall not be apponted as revenue inspector ? or before that also just on ground of her lodging a complaint and I baileed out I shall not be allowed to continue as trainee.

3. Or I shall be shunted out from the institute when police submits challan after investigation ?


 2 Replies

sharma (ADVOCATE)     11 January 2013

The I/O should complete investigation and submit a detailed chargesheet with specific allegations related to the offences and then trial starts.  Courts decides your acquital or conviction.  You are only an accused till the allegations are proved.  Case cannot be discussed without details. 

Mukaish (Customer care Manager)     11 January 2013

Thank you very much

Copy of the FIR is attached herewith. Her father, mother,brother and one another person of their colony gave witness the I demanded 5 lac rupees and mentally  trorturing her


Attached File : 1058048325 fir by ps.docx downloaded: 128 times

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