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Ashish Joshi   05 January 2020

Live-in Relationship Without Divorce

Respected sir / mam,

will there any consequences to be in live in relationship for marrying girl who has not taken his decree of divorce ? can we conceive child during live in relation?

what if it is yes/no?

 6 Replies

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     05 January 2020

1. As per a recent SC judgement, "live-in relationship" is not a prosecutable crime. Hence you can continue the same. The child from this live-in relationship will be legally entitled to all your properties.

2. However IF Husband of your female spouse gets any documentary evidence of the illicit relationship of his Wife with you, THEN Husband can criminally prosecute you for Adultry, for having physical relations with his still married Wife.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

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Shashi Dhara   05 January 2020

Easy to obtain divorce if she admits illegal relationship without maintenance.
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Ashish Joshi   08 January 2020

@ HEMANT JI, does adultery law still exist? I am not sure as I am not in Preffession, but SC has removed adultery in 2017 near end

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     09 January 2020

1. TRUE that SC passed an judgement in 2018, on section 497, striking off Adultery, as a Crime.


2. However IF Husband of your female spouse gets any documentary evidence of the illicit relationship of his Wife with you, THEN Husband can criminally prosecute "BOTH" of you for Cheating, Intimidation, Fraud, Threatening, for having physical relations with his still married Wife.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

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Ashish Joshi   09 January 2020

Thanks a ton Hemant Ji, your innocent efforts counts on me. Showing way to take it forward would highly be appreciated.

Rohith Raj   11 January 2020

i need more assistance on this , can the same divorced couple live together for kids?
are there any restrictions...!
please lemme know

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