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Mr.Bhatt Thane (NA)     09 December 2013

How can i become farmer if my ancestors were farmer

As farming is an occupation do any of the government has a right to stop a person from adapting this occupation as per democratic rights of a citizen.Also as per united nation a person can adopt farming as occupation and as we are too the member of united nation does the law which has passed in gujarat stands valid as per the democratic right of a citizen to earn the lively hood for his family by accepting farming as his occupation.


My ancestors were farmer and we got the document which reflects their name as farmer due to some financial problem they had to sell the land as u know in history due to some reforms of the british farmers were effected.So how can i now become the farmer as i too believe i got the right to accept farming as my occupation which even my ancestors were doing..what is the proceudure and which all department i have to apparoch


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