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Hindu muslim marriage

Hello der

M a hindu gal 25 n my bf is Muslim 27 .we want to get married bt widou t our parents knowledge. Plz suggest legal way to get married cz in court marriage dey will send notice to home add dat we dnt want.plz help.

 8 Replies

Jai Karan Nagwan (consultant)     12 January 2015

Take your parents in confidence. Think twenty times before you take step ahead.

prateekjain   12 January 2015

Dear Chandani, There are many ways to get married but at the same time there are issues also. First of all you both have to decide under which personal law you want to get married because your decision will affect inheritance as well. Like if you want to marry under Hindu Marriage then the boy has to convert his religion (go to arya samaj and marry there) . If you want to marry under Muslim personal laws then you have to change your religion.

prateekjain   12 January 2015

Dear Chandani, There are many ways to get married but at the same time there are issues also. First of all you both have to decide under which personal law you want to get married because your decision will affect inheritance as well. Like if you want to marry under Hindu Marriage then the boy has to convert his religion (go to arya samaj and marry there) . If you want to marry under Muslim personal laws then you have to change your religion.

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     12 January 2015

You both can marry under special marriage act and you both have not to change your religion and surname also , now notices are not served only your application will affixed on the notice board , but i personally suggest you leave this marriage think about your parents you will miss a lot rest upto you .

@ pratik sir : if he changes his religion to get married through arya samaj.den after marriage he has to follow hindu religion or he can continue wid his name n surname...plz he need to change surname as well..?

Sir what is special marriage that..will they send any notice to my home?

Sir what is special marriage that..will they send any notice to my home?

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     13 January 2015

Appreciate for your inter religion marriage and also i think you have take all the initiatives before going to marry that person without taking permission from your parents and be bold and a small suggestion before marring just go through this forum about such marriages and think 


The following are the essential conditions to be fulfilled for the registration of the marriage under Special Marriage Act.

1. Neither party has a spouse Living

2. Neither party is an idiot or lunatic

3. Bridegroom has completed the age of 21 year and the Bride has completed the age of 18 years

4. Both the Bridegroom and Bride are not within the prohibited relationship


 1. Persons belonging to different relations and faiths can have their marriage Solemnized under this Act.

 2. Marriages performed under other forms can also be registered under this  Act.

 3. The persons intending to register their marriage have to give notice thereof in writing in Triplicate in forms specified under second schedule under Section 5 to the marriage officer of the District in which at least one of the parties to the marriage have reside for a period of not less than 30 days immediately preceding the date on which notice is given.

 4. After the receipt of the notice the marriage officer shall enter a true copy in the marriage notice Book and shall cause the notice to be published in the notice board of his office and also see that the notice is published in the office of the marriage Registrar in whose District the parties are permanently residing.

5. Any person before the expiration of 30 days may make an objection that the marriage contravenes the essential conditions noted above.

6. After the expiry of 30 days of notice the Sub-Registrar shall register the marriage after the Bridegroom and Bride sign a declaration in form specified in the Third Schedule in the presence of three witness and they should utter in the language known i(a) take the (b) I take b) to be my lawful wife.

The parties may choose any other form like exchanging the Garlands ….etc apart from the above By this process the marriage is deemed to have been solemnized and the marriage officer shall enter the particulars in the marriage certificate book and it will be signed by the parties to the marriage and Three Witnesses.

The procedure of Registration of Marriage performed in other forms 

All the above procedure is same except that the utterance of i(a) take the (b) I take b) to be my lawful wife.

The parties may choose any other form like exchanging the Garlands ….etc apart from the above.

After the above procedure is over the parties will be issued an extract of the marriage register.

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