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sanjot bhowmik (Regional Manager)     28 April 2011

Fraud against 30 Thousand people

Sir, We the people of Tripura are facing a difficult propblem. Rubistar marketing Pvt Ltd a Compny was operating in Tripura in its 5 branches and collecting money against Product Booking and Plot Booking Schemes. The people are getting their money until a State Govt effort of rooting out illegal companies in June2010. From that date we are not getting our due. The agents have tried many time to contact with the Chairman of the said company but nothing fruitful has happened. There is 15 crores of money invested from Tripura. What can we do now?

 14 Replies

Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     28 April 2011

c.b.i. investigation is must in this matter!

Kirti Kar Tripathi (lawyer)     28 April 2011

whether any fir is lodged. 

Kirti Kar Tripathi (lawyer)     28 April 2011

what is the role of police and other official of the state government in this rehard.

sanjot bhowmik (Regional Manager)     28 April 2011

We do understand, but the CID is taking too much time to solve this. At first they gave 8% per month on investments, but later the company said after the office repoened in Sep 2010, that they will only give 1.5% per month on their investments. The investors accepted that but actually they didnot even gave them that.The State Govt said they cannot do anything in this matter as it is under ROC(Registrar of Company).

Sir, I worked in this company as an employee and I really wanted to help the people in distress,what can we do now.  

V. VASUDEVAN (LEGAL COUNSEL)     30 April 2011

The Department of Company Affairs has a Serious Frauds Investigation Department. Let all the aggrieved people lodge a collective complaint or at least individual complaints with this Department. You can help the team with relevant details to trce the culprits and also the list of properties to be attached for recovery of the illgotten money from the culprits. for details of the SFIO, go the Registrar of Companies - visit their website 


P.K.Haridasan (Advocate)     30 April 2011

Try to collect full details. Being a company they have to file details with registrar of Companies. You can approach the registrar and collect details regarding the names and address of the Directors. From their balance sheet filed with the registrar you will get more details about the company's financil position. File a criminal complaint. You can file a private complaint also against the Directors .

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     01 May 2011


@ Author

I totally agree to Ld. Vasudevan sound advise. A collective complaint against the company will help with one common Ld. Advocate representing these 30 K aggrieved citizens.



sanjot bhowmik (Regional Manager)     02 May 2011

Thanks Mr. V. Vasudevan & Mr.P.K.Haridasan for your precious opinion. I'll surely try to convince the people to make it happen. 


Good advise by MR. Vasudevan.

Kirti Kar Tripathi (lawyer)     07 May 2011

In case, you have made all efforts with the concerned authorities and out come has come up. file a writ of mandamus against the authorities for intiating action against the company. 

1 Like

sanjot bhowmik (Regional Manager)     09 July 2011


        We were trying to resolve the matter but the company is trying to start a new fraud with us. They are trying to take away the certificates from us by saying that they are going to start a new business on MLM business.They will convert our certificates into the new policy under Rubistar Real Estate. I would like to know is this legal? Should we collectively report to ROC?

A bunch of agents is helping the company and trying to stop me/us. What to do?

Attached File : 79390 192949 48 rubistar.pdf downloaded: 113 times

Sanjay Arora (Businessman)     18 July 2011

The company should be registered with RBI as NBFC. A complaint to RBI can be made, in addition to registering FIR.


However, I think we all should learn to be aware. Anyone offering 8-10% or higher returns per month is not thinking of returning the principal!! We read about such cases in papers everyday....yet we do not learn.....Awareness is the only answer!!

sanjot bhowmik (Regional Manager)     01 September 2011

Thanks all who helped me in the fight against Rubistar Marketing. According to your advise, I made a complaint to The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, ROC. They had sent a notice to all of the company directors of all the functions & assets of the Company. Now, a lot of aggreived investors are ready to made a joint complaint to the appropriate agency. Can you please trll me where shoud we go now?

Sathyan Avinash (student)     05 September 2011

As far as i know , SFIO is the most effective solution for your problem. Try to make the application to the SFIO. I hope your efforts bear fruits as early as possible.

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