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lostkite   03 April 2016

Divorce petition dismissed

Hi All. 

Petitioner (wife) filed divorce on terms of cruelty and desertion. Which got dismissed due to her non presence. what i need to know is.......i need to get to all certified copies of dimissed petition along with supporting documents. what i am supposed to do ?  

Somewhere i  saw in LCI there are some supreme court and high court judgements posted by Nadeem qureshi to get those.


 8 Replies

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     03 April 2016

Yes you can keep all the documents including judges remarks of dismiss the petition with you and used them in other cases also as an evidence of harassment of your that she filed cases on you and then not appeared before the court.


kindly note that

1. The wife filed divorce petition, which got dismissed , hence the wife can file an application mentioning reasons for her absence and pray for restoration of said mater.

2. If allowed mater will proceed in same court.

3. If rejected then the wife may approach high court against the said order. 

Good luck.


kindly note that

1. The wife filed divorce petition, which got dismissed , hence the wife can file an application mentioning reasons for her absence and pray for restoration of said mater.

2. If allowed mater will proceed in same court.

3. If rejected then the wife may approach high court against the said order. 

Good luck.


lostkite   03 April 2016

i need to get certified copies of those documents. How exactly i can get those? is there any judgements or sections that all copies along with divorce petition to be provide if respondent request upon request. 

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     03 April 2016

You can get it from the office/ copying section of that family court where she had filed the case, move an application in that office with requisite fee they will provide you the certified copies .

lostkite   03 April 2016

thanks joshi 

but before dismissal once i tried filing certified copy but i was denied and said not yet marked as evidence. 

SO now i enquired then they said its dismissed you wont given be anything other than order copy. 

How should i get those is there any judgements or citations to get certified copies. 


fighter (Software professional)     05 April 2016

You can only get order copy....

lostkite   09 April 2016

If so, how can i get certified copies. 

If not why i will be rejected those?

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