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 4 Replies

TGK REDDI   22 February 2020

If you publish any baseless statement against anybody, defamation is done.

Adv Haresh Raichura (Advocate on Record)     22 February 2020

If you learn from someone that X is making defamatory statements which damages your reputation among people you know, defamation is happened. Check Sec 500 of IPC for more info.

Akshay (Advocate)     22 February 2020


Thank you for your question

Defamation means  to attack the reputation of a person.The degree of suffering caused by loss of reputation far exceeds that caused by loss of any material wealth.

Winfield: "Defamation is the publication of statement which tends to lower a person in the estimation of right thinking members of society generally or which tends to make them shun or avoid that person.

Essentials of Defamation.

1. The statement Must be defamatory

  case:- Noor Mohd. V. Mohd Jiauddin.

- In this case bridegroom & his father refused to take the bride after marriage with them before a number of guest..

2. The Statement must refer to the plaintiff.

3. The statement must be published.


Hope this will help you

Best Regards,

Akshay Gupta


kuldeep Mahla   19 October 2021

can defamation after expunge in ACR

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