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Bhaskar for SOCIAL JUSTICE (Legal & Social Activist)     27 July 2011

Biased Law-Husband Hangs after desertion by wife

Dear All,

Today's news article published in Punjab Kesri on the above subject is attached herewith.

Please see despite reporting that husband hanged himself only for his wife who had left him but no action has been taken against his wife .

If this would have been case of suiide by wife then they would have arrested husband and all his family members even if they were innocent.

This shows stupidity of law system.


 5 Replies


Indian law and law makers truly believes  and practices " Woman life is more valued that man"

Ms Liberal (others)     27 July 2011

Who says so if the wife and her family is responsible then she too can be prosecuted for abetment to commit suicide

If the woman commit suicide, the police will not act till the compliant of her in laws and only the evidences come on record then  proceed only

However biasism there as per modern day context as laws were made in 80's when women were not liberal

By Time it will change on raising your voice not by few segments but by every youth (men/women both)

Ravinder Kumar (Account Director)     27 July 2011

Equal punishment for her and her family...They are equally responsible..

Mentally Depressed (will tell you later)     28 July 2011

Paunishment cannot solve the riddle as the person who has committed suicide do also have associated problems and desrtion by his wife aggravate the problem

If I may be at his place I could also have done this

Man must need support from his family which I think has not been given leading to this extreme step

Ms Liberal (others)     28 July 2011

"If I may be at his place I could also have done this"

How can address your name aas my call you with the same is an offensive? . But I do have sympathy with you

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