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Santosh (Prop)     23 January 2015


Dear All,

Kindly, let us know the following thing in relation to 156(3) of Cr PC

1. What are the powers of Investigation Office 

2. If a order has been received by local police station, what are the procedures followed by IO

3. Is with drawl possible at this stage

4. Is compromise possible at this stage

5. What happen to the lawyer which we have hired for this case once the charge sheet is submitted to megistrate by IO

6. Can IO force us to with draw or compromise the case 

7. What are the step after the chargesheet is submitted to court

Kindly, explain

Thanks You,




 1 Replies

Jai Karan Nagwan (consultant)     23 January 2015

IO duty to investigate and submit report to the court. If both parties agrees and offence is comparable, can apply to court else IO has no power to impress upon the parties other than normal investigation and to report to court.

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