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Why prostitution will not be legalized?

Page no : 2

Rekha..... ( Practicing lawyer(B.Com LL.M in Business law ))     10 January 2010

Respected N.K Assumi Sir, .....that’s why I mentioned as “Respect women who deserves the respect”. And as far as Law is concerned, which laws are being implemented strictly in Our country sir? V all r defensive as well as not proactive in all matters. V hv to suffer. Women who are already in this profession, it is obliviously forcefully. U may go n ask any prostitute that whether she wants her daughter to join this profession. What will be her reply..Yes??? obliviously..NO. She will definitely reply u that she wants her daughter to be a Doctor or well educated girl and not a “highly paid call girl” Think n put your heart in this issue please n forgive me if my clarification is wrong and please don’t vote for legalization of prostitution.

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B.N.Rajamohamed (advocate / commissioner of oaths)     10 January 2010

Rekha Madam,

                                       Please read my explanation and comments as made above and reply me.


Rekha..... ( Practicing lawyer(B.Com LL.M in Business law ))     10 January 2010

Ok.. Sir..Why only men want extra pleasures.  Women can also think like that  ( extra pleasure)then who will save the society. It is better that men hv to change their attitute towards woman. As far as muslim law is concerned i m not looking that point becoze muslim religion is not a way of life. Hindu religion is a way of life and u better know then me Sir.  Good that u r not in favour of the legalization of prostitution.

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B.N.Rajamohamed (advocate / commissioner of oaths)     10 January 2010

Madam ,

                           I asked you to comment only on my views of law but not the religion .

Please mind that we are in a secular country andf your comments onthe mohamedan religion provokes communal disharmony. You must eat up your words.


Shree. ( Advocate.)     10 January 2010

Dear All,

 Go through the below video file and comment on the issue....

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Rekha..... ( Practicing lawyer(B.Com LL.M in Business law ))     10 January 2010

Thnks  B.N. RajMohanmed Sir, that u pointed out my mistake. I am withdrawing my words.

Smita_L01042008 (student)     10 January 2010

if prostitution legalise then it may invite social evil.

kindly take example of countries like Denmark wherein prostitution is legalise where numbers of brothels are increasing and also resulted in exploitation of women/ girls, human trafflicking etc.


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Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     10 January 2010


                Members I pay regards to your feeling and emotions. But don’t you think that this issue is taking the shape of MAN v/s WOMAN. No body should take this as gender war.

                                 I beg your pardon for my harsh words and opinion. Did you ever think about, who is earning her bread and milk for child, how they are being exploited by touts and legal authorities under the garb of law and morality. Have you ever thought about their future after being ill or old, they are struck out and left to die in streets. I think they  lead their average life as 40 years due to venereal   disease like AIDS and consecutive abortions. If any body have sympathy for them, the only way is to legalize them. Because law have never been successful to check this evil. What is not being done before us , is being done regularly behind the curtain on the cost of human kind.

                                                  People who talk about our culture and tradition, should ask for themselves about moral. Why don’t they stop people from visiting “Ajanta, Alora, and Khajuraho”. What is there, is our tradition or culture? I am of the view that, even criminals have respect for women as  mother, sister or wife, though there are some odds in society.

                                                  Noting can shake the man of strong virtue. Liquor is  being sold in open market, but who don’t drink, never drink. I think if it is legalized, women in this profession may be saved from exploitation. They would get better, safe and legal status in society and would not be used with abusive name.

                                                 But if it is legalized strong norms and conditions should be adopted, which may be as below.


1-     Brothel should be registered.

2-     It should not be located near educational or religious institutions or housing colonies.

3-     There should me minimum and maximum age limit to adopt this profession.

4-     Routine medical check up should be mandatory.

5-     They should be free to resign from this profession on their own will.

6-     They should be strictly prohibited from begetting children.

7-     There should be strict hygienic norms for them and also for visitors.

8-     Remuneration must be fixed for them which must not be lucrative also.

9-     Record of visitors must be maintained regularly.

10- Mode of payment for service must be through cheque or through other means, that identity of visitor may be chased easily. It would be helpful to identify criminals and prurient peoples also.

11- There should be welfare and rehabilitation schemes for them after the  relinquishment or retirement.

12- There should be harsh punishment for any inhuman treatment against them.

13- Control over brothel must not be in one hand. Routine inspection must be through different agencies some time through govt. agency some time through social organizations.  

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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     10 January 2010

This issue is related with culture, sensitivity and humanity.

Prodyut Banerjee (Advocate (Corporate Lawyer))     11 January 2010

Nicely explained in a thought provoking way by Advocate Arvind. The age old issue should be resolved by a contemporary thinking.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     11 January 2010

Excellent Arvind.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     11 January 2010

Ther is a book written on these prostitutes by professor Lotika Sarkar, Faculty of Law, Delhi University, way abck in the 1980s, but unfortunately I lost that book, and if we read that book we wil get a clear picture of the plights of these prostitutes in this country. It must be legalized. And what Arvind pointed out is simply supreb.

Sachin MIshra (service)     11 January 2010

First let me ask Rekha and Guptaji what do you ment by legalisation, the problem with s*x worker is the harrassment which they receive from the local police. The idea behind given legal freedom to these people are to discourge the social bias which they receive. And i don't know why Rekhaji taking only on female, aren't the male involved in this business. I agree that matter need special and deleberate discussion before moving ahead.




Tarun Arora (Agent)     11 January 2010

I totally agree with Rekhaji view. But I wud like 2 draw d attention of all readers and learned persons. Prostitution in our society is a truth.. We all know it vry much.. We r nt able 2 remove it. It shud be legalised 4 all those ladies and gents who really wana adopt this as a profession.. Nw a days both men and women are engaged in this business.

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