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Vignesh   21 May 2020

Traffic Policeman takes our bike key

Hi everyone,
This question is not for the most of the police men who behave good.
but for few.

I have this doubt for a long time..if a traffic police man stops us and asking for paper and whether we produce them or not ! do they have right to take our bike key? or do they have right to keep our driving license with them?

Thanks in advance.


 4 Replies

P. Venu (Advocate)     22 May 2020

They can, but they need to follow the due process acknowledging the confiscation of the vehicle and the driving licence. Such actions should not be the mere tactics to overawe the citizen even if he is on the wrong side of law.


In my opinion, police shouldn't have rights to take our license and bike at that moment since, they have to follow legal proceed and proceed under the law.

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     22 May 2020

If you want authentic information, always use RTI Route and seek from District Supdt of Police information as follows:

Information solicited:

1. Please provide me the laid down orders/law that permits a traffic policeman a) for snatching the keys of a vehicle while checking the documents. and for keeping them in custody without returning to the owner of the vehicle.

2.The authority of the police in taking away Vehicle C Book and driving license from the rider.

3.The name of superior officer, his mobile no. with whom the matter can complain about such violations by Police


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Vignesh   23 May 2020

thank you so much everyone for the comments.

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