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Preeti (Assistant)     19 March 2013

Tax on gifts ??

Do I have to pay tax on gifts that we have received?


 6 Replies

advharshavardhan (Executive)     19 March 2013

Any gift received in cash or kind exceeding Rs.50,000 or purchase of movable or immovable property for inadequate payment is taxed in the hands of recipient as “income from other sources.”

The following are specifically defined as moveable or immoveable property:

  • Land or buildings
  • Shares and securities
  • Jewellery
  • Archeological collection
  • Drawings
  • Paintings
  • Sculptures
  • Any works of art

shagun (.)     19 March 2013

sir please suggest me on this ...............
my sister is married now ,and she want to give me a gift  of rupees 900000(nine lacs) .
and i was adopted by my aunt (father's sister) around 7-8 years ago,are we still in blood relation in eye of law?
my query is to know that ,should i have to pay tax on gift recieved from my sister.
do i have to show rupees 900000 as my income and have to pay tax on it for this financial year

Moninder Singh Vasant (G M )     20 March 2013

I want to know if I have a gold jwellery as istridhan lying in my lockers attracts any tax.

I also want to know if any alimoney of Rs. 2.25 lacs in 2001 recd by a woman towards settlement of divorce case is taxable

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     23 March 2013


 All the gifts received by a married women from here parents as also the parents in law become part of her Stridhan. This is continuous process and she continues to accumulates the Stridhan until alive. Further Stridhan by itself is not taxable. It her capital sort of. If invested for gains, deposited in the bank or invested in any mode, the income arising therefrom would certainly be taxable.

Preeti (Assistant)     25 March 2013

Thank you for your valuable reply sir. now i am pretty much clear about this whole scenario.

lalit (bm)     25 March 2013

sir , 

please suggest my mother has recieved an amount of 5 lacs from her brother through cheque after the parental property was sold and she already gave her share to her brother in the property ealier by signing the relinquishment deed. this is the gift my uncle has given to my mother. will it be taxed on my mothers account .

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