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s gopal chander (Just a Common Man)     07 November 2011

Sos on tp pending at sc

Dear Members,

One of my friend need the next hearing date for the TP (Civil) pending before SC. Though im yet to get complete story on the same but looks like the summons and copy of the TP filed by the spouse never reached the respondent till date. There seems to be some foul play here. SC website shows that the notice is served but in reality it never reached the hands ot respondent. Also thru the search engine in SC website, the TP no is identified. Next date of listing is not available in SC portal.....

Can anyone in Delhi/ S C help him to know the next hearing date for the TP no 643/2011? Its very very urgent...

Thanks in advance.


 3 Replies

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     09 November 2011

Be patient, unless it is served the matter won't proceed.





Shonee Kapoor


Go to Registrar Court no. 2 and find out the next date:

Here's the order of Sunil Thomas:


ITEM NO.36                  REGISTRAR COURT.2                SECTION XVIA

             S U P R E M E     C O U R T   O F    I N D I A
                            RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS



DIVYA KRISHNAN                                        Petitioner(s)


C.G.SUBRAMANIAN                                       Respondent(s)

(With appln(s) for stay and office report ))

Date: 04/11/2011    This Petition was called on for hearing today.

For Petitioner(s)       Dr. Pooja Jha,Adv.
                        Mr. Vishwa Pal Singh,Adv.

For Respondent(s)

             UPON hearing counsel the Court made the following
                                 O R D E R

        Notice served     on the counsel appearing in the Trial
    Court as per report of the Judge, Family Court, Thrissur.
    Copy of the transfer petition has also been forwarded by
    letter dated 10.10.2011.     No appearance for the respondent
    even today.    Hence, place the matter before the Hon'ble
    Court, as per Rule.

                                                      (SUNIL THOMAS)
s                                                           Registrar


Hello S.Gopal,

The registrar has ordered that the case be listed before the court. That would/should be about 4 -6 weeks. Tell your counsel to tell you the exact date. OR TALK TO AR section concerned they'll tell you the date. First or second week of december or January after vacations[My guess] ORDER IS DATED 4.11.2011 BUT YOUR ADVOCATE DIDNT APPEAR.

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