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Mahesh Mukadam (None)     05 March 2011

Sale of anasterial property

My grand father owns a property at Dombivali which he got from his father. My grand father died. My mother sold this property in 1988 where she signed for her grand mother as a power of attorney holder. In fact sde did not had any power of attorney from her mother. I was minor at that time. When I checked property records in 2010 I found outthat 7/12 extract as well as property records are still on my grand fathers name. When I checked records with registrar I found out that Collector had refused to register the documents. Now I am major resides in Canada and Canadian citizen. Question 1) does my mother has any authority to sell the property?20 Can Registrar register the document without varifying power of attorney? 3) Can I claim my interest in the property?

4)What are legal remidies for me?

5) Can you suggest good lawyes for me


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