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Divyesh (Partner)     27 February 2010

registration fees

Dear All

Can anyone tell me maximum limit of Registration Fee in gujarat ?




 7 Replies

valentine (Advocate)     13 March 2010

Dear all,

As per the latest ruling, registration of all property documents is mandatory. I am taking property on lease of 5 years in Gujarat and the rent is fixed at Rs. 25,000 per month. Considering all other elements like municipality taxes etc. it may come to Rs. 30,000 per month. I would like to know how much revenue or registration fee I may be required to pay. Is there ready reckoner?


Valentine, adv.

Rasik Dagli (Lawyer)     14 April 2010

Registration Fees in Gujarqat is 1%  The  women are exempted from payment of Registrsation Fees if vthe Lease is exclusively in favour of woman. You will have to get the Lease Deed cregistered and pay the Stamp Duty @ 4.9 % on value of average annual rent. In your case Rs. 30000 x 12 = Rs.360000/- The stamp Duty will be Rs.17640/-



Rasik Dagli (Lawyer)     14 April 2010

Registration Fees in Gujarqat is 1%  The  women are exempted from payment of Registrsation Fees if vthe Lease is exclusively in favour of woman. You will have to get the Lease Deed cregistered and pay the Stamp Duty @ 4.9 % on value of average annual rent. In your case Rs. 30000 x 12 = Rs.360000/- The stamp Duty will be Rs.17640/-



Rasik Dagli (Lawyer)     14 April 2010

In Gujarat in almost all cases the Registration Fees is @ 1% on the value of the document to be registered. However, valuation may be different case of Lease at monthly rental of Rs.20.000/-, the valuation will be different depending on the period of Lease,say,Lease for 1 year, less than 1 year but not more than  3 years, more than 3 years but not more than 10 years etc.



valentine (Advocate)     14 April 2010

Thanks all for the information. However, the important point here is the period of Lease. if the period of  3 years of less the stamp duty varies and average of the whole lease period is taken into account. Thus I had to pay some 24,000 and odd rupees for 3 years' lease @ 25,000/- rent/pm. It is advisable to reade rule 30 of the registration act. Thanks again.

valentine (Advocate)     14 April 2010

The law becomes helpless in case the husband runs away after paying a few instalments of the maintenance order from the court U/s 125 crpc.  There is no provision in the CRPC to make the husband pay the remaining allowance or enforce the new petition U/S 123(3) after expiry of every year. Your comments invited on this point.



Shikha Chadha (CS)     07 March 2011

Please Guide....

Please tell that if the leased property is  in Rajkot and the lesee (a lady) has given us (the co) a property on lease for 3yrs bt neither of us registered it if we want  to quit befor the lock in period, can v take d defence of non registration of the said lease deed?



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