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Sanjeev(K) (Dir)     09 March 2011

Rectification deed-builder non cooperative

Hi, I have taken an apartment few years ago and recently when I was trying to sell it I found there was a mistake in the sale deed and a rectification deed is needed.. But the builder is refusing to cooperate.

I wanted to check if  arectification deed  can be done without builder's involvement?



 3 Replies

K S Narayana Rao (District Registrar)     10 March 2011

If the owner of appartment available it he is different from owner he can do rectification

1 Like

Sanjeev(K) (Dir)     11 March 2011

Thanks Mr. Kaku for your response.. Can you please elaborate a little bit.. Me and my wife are co-owners of the apartment and there are two parties who jointly signed from the seller side.. One of the party is agreeing and other is not cooperating... Can you pls throw some light on the procedure for the same. 


Thanks in advance.. Sanjeev

K S Narayana Rao (District Registrar)     11 March 2011

Sir, I would like to know what to be rectified. Document signed two parties in what capicity  I wanat to know.  If he signed in the capicity of Sale cum Genenral Power of Attorney Agent.  Then owner Site and the other Bulder can sign the ractification deed.  Owner under capicity of the principal of the power he always got the power to sign. Try to get it by builders or power of attorney agents if they agree.  First tell me the rectification needed.

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