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Dr.Chandran Peechulli (Chief Consultants)     19 June 2012

Re-hc seeks opinion on lawyers’ qualification - the times


Public had been seeing the unruly scenes in law colleges and in the Madras High Court premises, to the extent of burning the POLICE STATION within and never the least to be talked of complaints on the advocates who betray their own clients colluding and cheating the innocent clients who come from varied walks of life. Admitted facts, by authenticable-status of periodical statistics, referring to huge backlogs, in various courts of the country. Genuine-complaints lodged with authorities (of the highest order (*going unnoticed). Lawyers to practice, the Code of Professional Ethics as Engineers and Doctors do. Respect the courts by wearing shoes while with advocate robes on. What is needed is Disciplining the existing administrative set-upâ rather than widening the area of jurisdiction/work. JURISTS to View:, for feedback providing solutions and feeling the pulse of the litigants and the practicing lawyers. Something be done constructively with positive outlook or introduce MBA in Administration of Judicial Process. Why envy the retired pensioners and deny their practice? We want every Indian national to be active and productively contribute for the nation at large with integrity. View with a broader perspective angle, rather than suggesting retired people for idling with lethargy of mind and body adding to woes to be nuisance at their homes, with the new generation, as I do practically understanding the realistic situation while at 65, with no grudges.

Dr. Chandran Peechulli, Ph.D ; D.Sc., F I E (India), MBA; LLB(U.K.), Pg.D.I.M.S,.(UK), (L.L.M.) Pg.DTED, F.I.I.P.E., M.S.E.I.,  MSNAME (USA), Fellow - Institution of  Engineers (India), Indian Institution of Plant Engineers & Ex. Vice Chairman TN Chapter,  Life Member & Ex. Executive Member-Indian Institute of Standards Engineer T N Chapter, Indian Institute of Occupational Health,  Mg.Editor& Publisher - “Marine Waves” international maritime newsletter. Corporate-Member - Chennai Press Club.  Ex. Chief Engineer (Marine) & General Manager (Tech),Consultant- CeeCee Industrial & Marine Mgt. Consultants,,, address: M107-5, 29th Cross Street, Besant Nagar, Chennai-600090. INDIA.
Can persons accused in criminal cases be refused admission to law colleges and enrolment as advocates? Can people who obtained law degree 10-20 years ago be denied enrolment, and can people retired from jobs and enjoying pension benefits be allowed to become advocates?

 5 Replies

Dr.Chandran Peechulli (Chief Consultants)     19 June 2012

Restricting retired people from various disciplines, to practice will not do good but should be welcomed to practice  as they share their practical experience in their wider perspective angle and can throw light which we could have not imagined. Hence, in overseas universities they welcome experts of various unique services to join MASTERS IN LAW directly e.g. Advertisement appeared  recently in T O I recently for  Southampton University, England, U.K..  

Dr.Chandran Peechulli (Chief Consultants)     19 June 2012

There is no enemy outside of your soul. The real enemies live inside you and they are ANGER, PRIDE, GREED, ATTACHMENT and HATE. ......  Lord Mahaveera

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     24 June 2012

Thanks for the information.

Dr.Chandran Peechulli (Chief Consultants)     28 June 2012

                 Administrative law in India; is in need of reformation.   Judiciary branch requires vigilance                                                                              ‘Lawyers strike is to harm dignity of judiciary’                                                              “Lawyersshould not become a tool of any political party,

 in present political situation of the country”.

Dr.Chandran Peechulli (Chief Consultants)     28 June 2012

  •                  Administrative law in India; is in need of reformation.   Judiciary branch requires vigilance       ‘Lawyers strike is to harm dignity of judiciary’                                                              
  • “Lawyersshould not become a tool of any political party, in present political situation of the country”.

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