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vinay_2431 (engineer)     31 October 2018

Proving adultery in court

Hello Experts,

    What kind of Proof's can we submit in Court about the extramarital affairs? to prove the adultery.

I see that my wife is chatting with a facebook friend, the chats contents are

   "Exchange of love heart Symbols

  and the guy asking phone numbers of my wife . 

  Video chat's late in the nights [Begin and End times]

  Audio chats [Begin and End times]

  Red Roses Exchanges

  Sending her Pics and the person commenting about the pics"

 are these kind of chats sufficient enough to prove that my wife is having a Extramarital Affair with that person/Persons?

I dont think I can ever shoot them togeather on bed and submit the video in Court. 

can the above chats mentioned serve the purpose of Circumstantial Evidence ? can I request for Divorce with the above messages?




 4 Replies

manoj   31 October 2018

The said chat is not enough to show that your wife is have affairs. As per contents in your query, you cannot prove. Try with some other strong proofs. If your wife stands in the witness box and say that he is her friend, nothing can be proved by you unless with strong evidence.



CELL NO 8686159292

P. Venu (Advocate)     09 November 2018

What are the facts? Your posting only poses questions, hardly provide any fact.

P. Venu (Advocate)     09 November 2018

What are the facts? Your posting only poses questions, hardly provide any fact.

vinay_2431 (engineer)     09 November 2018

Hello Venu Sir,

    Here is a Brief of the what was Happening.

I am Talking about my Brother and his wife is the one involved in Adultery.they have been married for 23 years , here are the Facts below,

1.Few months back all the people in VIllage Heads receieved Letters from anonymus per that the Femal is spending time with a person who is belonging to the same village at a Lodge in the near by city .

2.Last month one of our worker Saw my Brother's wife in a place which is very Famous for illegal activities[Red light area].

and after a little enquiry I found that she is doing prostitution on hourly basis, the only proof that i have is that  people in and around that place can come and tell the facts.

3.I have her face book account details so I got all of chats and messages and photo exchanges with love proposal's,and she accepting the proposal by saying "OK" .

  with the above data if I present them to court's or legal platform will my brother be granted Divorce ? or as Mr.Manoj said she can just say all these people are lying and on face book messages she can say thats all false messages and escape easily.

and file some flases harrasment cases on us?



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