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Sayed Maqsood Ahmed   20 June 2024

playing of kids late night in housing society

learned lawyers,

few kids in our society are shouting and playing late nights on the streets of the society, creating nuisances and disturbances to the residents.

what action can the MC of society take against such small and minor kids and how to resolve this problem. because few members are complaining to the MC

Best regards

 4 Replies

P. Venu (Advocate)     20 June 2024

May be, it is vacation for the children. And because of extreme hot weather, the children are outdoors. It is natural that they would play. And while they play, shouting cannot be avoided. 

After all, is a SOCIETY. an aggregate of people living together in a community. Orderliness cannot be absolute in community living. 

Moreover, it is not the remit of the MC to keep the children sedate and/or locked up in their homes.

Sayed Maqsood Ahmed   20 June 2024

Respected sir 

Many thanks for your valuable legal views 

I highly appreciate your immediate response 

Best regards 

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     20 June 2024

As rightly opined by expert Mr Venu, the parents cannot keep their children locked up in their home forever especially during the vacation period.

The children will confine to their houses once their schools reopen after vacations.

As a matter of fact the elders have to entertain the children playing outiside  their houses instead of getting glued to their mobile or any social media devices and idling their time and becoming more lazier. 

Unitl and unless the matter becomes really nuisance to everyone, the society can maintain a hostile attitude to such complaints or ignore them in the interest of the children. 

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     20 June 2024

Yes.  Now vacation is coming to an end and the schools are being opened. Wait some time as they are kids and children.

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