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raviepic3 (Tech Analyst)     14 March 2012

Parking on the road

Here is a scenario which i faced recently,

I parked my car on the road next to a house compound wall and wanted to go to the nearby building. One person from the house came out and shouted not to park the car infront of his compund wall because the parkins space belongs to him.

I politely requested him its just going to be for 10 mins - he shouted continously and finally said you can leave your car here - i know what to do.

I did not want to get into a argument as i had a time constraint so i moved the car to somewhere else.


Now infront of law how to deal with these scenarios ? parking a car next to a house compund wall needs permission from that house owner ?

How to handle such scnearios in future ?

 7 Replies


Road is a Public Property.

You can park your vehicle in that situation so that nobody get difficulty.

Neither blcked his way  nor blocked his house door.

In spite of this precoustion if a person opposed without any sufficient reason.

You may furnish a complaint application to S.D.M of your city.


I endorse Mr. Prajapati's view. 

- no person can claim public road as private property.



Sujit S. Bhaleakr

raviepic3 (Tech Analyst)     15 March 2012

What if he does some damage to the vehicle ?

Can i launch a complaint for the way he threatned that he will damange the vehicle ?

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     21 March 2012

Yes, if he actually carries out his threat. But everything needs evidence acceptable to court.

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     21 March 2012

"In front of a compound wall" We do not refer to the front or back of a compound wall. Do you mean by the side of the compound wall? You can park on the public road by the side of a compound wall provided parking there is not prohibited by competent  authority or under traffic rules. We speak about the front of a gate. You cannot park your vehicle in front of a gate under law.

raviepic3 (Tech Analyst)     21 March 2012



1. Yes by the side of a compound wall.

2. No, the place did not have any no parking signs

3. No, i did not park infront of his gate


Under which sections this kind of issues come under ?

What kind of evidence is acceptable in court ?


A voice recording of this threat will be enough ?

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     22 March 2012

A voice recording of the threat would be sufficient. It would be even better if you photograph him also. However it will be difficult to act on the basis of a mere threat only. You will have to dare him to carry out the threat. If he does you can make a complaint. But your car will have to remain there only in the damaged condition until the police comes and prepares panchnama.

Unfortunately the police in this country does not act even in the case of more serious crimes. You will have to dare the police also if they do not act. You can complain to higher police authorities or get the order of a magistrate.

But don't be disappointed if the issue becomes one between you and the police. The man who damaged your car would have been forgotten long back. Criminal issues will become toothless civil issues.

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