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Mp Krishnaiah   23 June 2021


Dear experts
I purchased a land of 27 guntas in 1992 and got mutated in the revenue records and proceedings also issued by the revenue authorities but since then I kept quite and one of my land neighbour wants to encroach my land to make plots .
at this can't i file a suit for perpetual injunction basing on the above documents only.
kindly advice on this issue.
Thanq very much in advance..

 4 Replies

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     23 June 2021

Yes. consult a local lawyer to file suit against him.

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     24 June 2021

If you are having a legally valid title deed, and mutation, file an application before Tehasildar and let your land be surveyed with such boundary stones.  After such efforts, you can get authentic/public document that states the encroachment.  Then you can file such a suit through your advocate for a permanent injunction restraining the other party encroaching your property.  First, find out as to whether the layout is approved or not.   If the layout is not approved, make a complaint against such unauthorized layout to the concerned authority.

Shashikant V. Patil (Lawyer)     24 June 2021

Firstly you have your own revenue records up to date. Secondly,you carry out Survey and measurement of your plot admeasuring 27 Gunthas by applying to Taluka Inspector of Land Records by paying Govt fee on urgent basis. Subsequently , this dept issued notices to all four boundaries neighbour owners. They will fix the date for measurement and all neighbour owner shall remain present and carry out measurement and fix the demarcation of applicant plot.  So there is no issue remain of encroachment of your plot by your neighbour.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2021

 Perpetual means permanentPerpetual injunction is one that is granted by the judgment that ultimately disposes of the injunction suit.

They may be granted at any stage of the suit

If you apprehend that your neighbor is interfering in the possession and enjoyment of your property or trying to encroach the same by fraudulent means, you may file an permanent injunction suit against him restraining him from interfering your possession nd enjoyment of your property.


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