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Chandra   29 March 2016

No rental agreement - tenant eviction notice time

Hi Sir,

I am staying in rented house from past 3years, we didn't go with any legal agreement, but agreed two months notice and I have paid the same amount through Bank as two months rent advance.
Now owner is asking me to vacate within one month, it is difficult for me to vacate in 1month, I requested for two months / 60day notice.

Also he is claiming to do repaint of entire house which was not intimated at the time of joining.

He sent a SMS on Mar28, 2016 to "vacate the house in a month, repaint and handover keys"
What should I do sir??

Thanks Chandra

 4 Replies

r.sathyanarayanan   30 March 2016

Rental agreement is not required, you save that sms and send him a notice that you can not he giving u receipts for the rent? Or r u paying by cheques? He can vacate you only by due process of law.

saravanan s (legal advisor)     30 March 2016

also since he doesnt have any agreement where he had mentioned that you must repaint the house while leaving he cant insist you to do far as vacating the house is concerned convince him to allow you to stay for another month.if you proceed legally it will drag on for a long time

Kishor Mehta (CEO)     30 March 2016

Sir, Every State has a Rent Act in place, you can take recourse to it for protection. Good Luck, Kishor Mehta

adv.bharat @ PUNE (Lawyer)     17 May 2016

Oral agreement have not valid proof. Hence request your owner to give some time.


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