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Riddhi Bhatia (Administrator)     12 September 2011

Need your references, who take their wives back after 498a

dear all, i need your references as how many couples are living peacefully and happy, where husband take their wife after 6-7 years of seperation, for getting anticipatory bail 498A. 

wat you people suggest based on your experiences that whether husband should take their wife back, who put false 498A case on his husband?

 33 Replies

**Victim** (job)     12 September 2011

No he should not take back his wife if wife has filed fake complaints against him......but if the complaint filed by wife are correct then the couple should always try to resolve huband wife relationship......punishing husband would not push husband to accept his wife. There is no law which will force husband to accept his wife if he doesn't want to.....

Sanket Sharma (AM)     12 September 2011

Dont take if it is a false case,

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     12 September 2011

@ Author

1. The que. is not relevant generically.
Reasoning: What others have probably done or not done are based on their situation and may or may not want happy ending. The que. is what you if this que. relates to you want out of your marriage so far !

2. Never go by stats of post 498a happy or sad ending coup[les stories to start your second innings with same srimatiji.
Reasoning: Each set of past facts of a couple(s) what they went through are uniquely so different and will never apply to you other than as confusing (read as doubt) pointer for rest of the life when reuniting!

3. A 498a case can be termed as false or true only after its clear verdict mentioned in Order sheet post its lengthy trial and during which either party can rest their claim to be true or false which does not becomes a judgmental point in que. to a third party (read as other re-united couple now) to check how is your post 498a wife doing with you so that I also fix my re-united marital life accordingly ! It is a situational (read as whole substance not form that matters) facts mixed with will to start a second chapter leaving behind previous chapter. The call is purely once own and no amount of third party present scenarios shall influence you from taking or not taking that call is my view.

One needs self - confidence and ability to accept past marital differences and leave them behind post 498a reunion phase and if such talks going on then it shall be asked to self not to any third party (I mean how others are doing now kar key).

There is no legal persuasion given by ld. Adv. to reuniting couples nor Court gives undertaking on behalf of a 498a metro wife on how her performance going to be post reunion, everything comes to two spouse approach of past "hurt" now "forget and forgiven" and let us start FRESH approach kar key

3 Like

Rohit Shukla (Engineer)     12 September 2011

@Tajobs Sir - Very practical answer Sir while dealing with a basic question "How I would like to see myself going ahead"



Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     12 September 2011

I have a diffirent take on this problem.


I personally have faced a 498-a after taking my wife back. (No 498-a was filed before, but there were threats). But I have no regrets. I have a child with a kidney problem and I would go through 1000 hells for his sake. I knew and still know that my lovely 498-a wife and her family can not take care of the medical condition of the child.


I knew for sure that someday I would be hit by false cases, but I can live with this situation of fighting false cases. I could not have lived with a situation, had anything happened to my child  - what if I had taken a chance.


So, it is as per the situation of a person that he has to decide.




Shonee Kapoor

2 Like




Shonee sir, Are you same as Shoneek?



Chetan Singh (SE)     12 September 2011

I too agree with Shonee, its depend on person to person wish.

Some times wives file 498a due to some jealues, some conflicts, misguided by relatives, families, friends.

Once they realize their fault it becomes vey late.So some times husband should forgive her wife.

Chetan Singh (SE)     12 September 2011

opps, ignore my typo mistakes.

Please read forgive her wife. His wife.


Plz accept my apology for repeating. 

Riddhi Bhatia (Administrator)     13 September 2011

thankyou all for ur suggestions, but in ma case my wife openly said to me, once i came back to you, i will search for all proofs to prove you cheater,lier and cunning husband. when i told her that if it is so, then u denied to come, then she asked me that u shuld deny in court to take me back. her behaviour didnt change a bit. but ma lawyer suggested that for AB granted, you should never deny in court that you will not take her back. i am very much afraid. as i have 2 younger marriagable sisters also

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     13 September 2011

Oh My Dear,


Where are you asking her to join and where are you denying?


Let her first state intentions to come and stay with you and then  we can counter as her arguments come.


Hope you have not filed RCR to bring her back. If so, withdraw the same and rather file for divorce.


Which State/ City the case is in. It seems like a classical ploy in Haryana/ Punjab.




Shonee Kapoor

Riddhi Bhatia (Administrator)     13 September 2011

Shonee sir, altho we are himachal based family, but settled in hyderabaad and case is in chennai high court. i had applied for AB. as 498a already filed on me by my wife. she said that she wants to come back, when asked from me i also said that i can live with her. honble court gave another date 15 sep, to come with ticketa and take her. while on last date, she was again quarrelng with me. and said bad words about my sister character. now only 2 days to go. wat to do. my lawyer said dnt say in court that u willnt take her back...wat shuld i do? 

Riddhi Bhatia (Administrator)     13 September 2011

one question more----- pls. suggest some preventive measures that if my wife come with me in my home then wat should i do? as i am living alone. i am software company employee.

wat worse she can do after reaching there?

RAJIV BHASIN (ADVOCATE) (Bhasin Legal Consultants(SOLICITORS & ADVOCATES) 9811210505)     14 September 2011






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