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inayat (financir )     09 March 2024

Muslim marriage issue

my friend named Habeeb already married and having two kids,,but he had an affair with another Muslim widow ..she was now asking him to marry or otherwise she will defame in society and social media,, Do she has a right to do and what will be the future consequences,,as her wife is very strict and cruel..but the widow is saying u need to marry or otherwise I'll die..pls sort out a solution to this problem...


 3 Replies

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     09 March 2024

There's no legal solution for this. 

You may have to sort out the issue on the basis of prevailing circumstances. 

If the other approaches police or court,  she will not bee entertained because such illicit activities are no more an offense. 

You are married hence she cannot insist or compel you to marry her. 

The consensual relationship cannot be labeled as rape as well. 

You may keep your wife into confidence and try to discard the other woman. 

inayat (financir )     12 March 2024

but everytime calling my friend and blackmailing that she will come to hisplace and finalize the issue with marriage,so wat can he do in this situation,she is calling him repeatedly on phone and torturing like anything,pls give possible solutions to get out of this issue to my friend,as he is worried toooooooooooo much.

Kartikey Tiwari   12 March 2024

Your friend Habeeb is facing a complex situation involving an affair with a Muslim widow. Let’s explore the legal and religious aspects:

Legal Implications:

Adultery: Engaging in an extramarital affair is considered adultery. While the legal consequences vary by jurisdiction, it’s essential to understand the local laws.

Defamation Threat: The widow’s threat to defame Habeeb on social media and in society could have serious repercussions for his reputation and personal life.

Islamic Perspective:

Adultery in Islam: Adultery is strictly forbidden in Islam. It is a grave sin and has spiritual consequences.

Repentance: If Habeeb sincerely repents and seeks forgiveness from Allah, he can find redemption. Repentance involves remorse, stopping the sinful behavior, and resolving not to repeat it.

Marriage Obligations: Islam emphasizes the sanctity of marriage. Habeeb should fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and father.

Consult a Scholar: Habeeb should consult a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or an imam to discuss his situation.

Widow’s Threat:

While the widow’s threat to defame Habeeb is concerning, it does not justify any unlawful actions.

Habeeb should handle the situation with wisdom, seeking guidance from both legal and religious perspectives.

Future Consequences:

Marriage: If Habeeb chooses to marry the widow, he must consider the impact on his existing marriage and family.

Social Fallout: Regardless of his decision, there may be social consequences due to the affair becoming public knowledge.


Habeeb should - 

•Reflect on his actions and seek forgiveness.

•Consult legal and religious experts.

•Communicate openly with both his wife and the widow.

• Make a decision based on his conscience, faith, and legal obligations.

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